GSG Wilis II, Mulai Retak-Retak dan Pagar Belum Tuntas
KEDIRI – PT. Sekawan Elok, kontraktor pembangunan Gedung Serba Guna (GSG) Kelurahan Ringinanom, Kota Kediri, yang disebut-sebut ‘kabur’ atau meninggalkan proyek begitu saja sebelum tuntas pembangunannya, mulai 15 Februari 2021 segera bisa mengikuti tender proyek lagi. Pasalnya, berdasarkan data Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) Kota Kediri, masa blacklist atau daftar hitam CV. Sekawan Elok, hanya 1 tahun. Yaitu, mulai 14 Februari 2020 sampai 14 Februari 2021.
Seperti diberitakan, bangunan GSG Ringinanom mangkrak selama 1 tahun lebih dan kini sedang dalam pemeriksaan Polda Jatim. Proyek senilai Rp 1,8 miliar lebih dari HPS Rp 2,2 miliar lebih itu, baru terselesaikan sekitar 70 persen. Atap bangunan belum ada, tembok dinding belum plester, pintu-pintu belum ada, lantai belum keramik, dan sebagainya. Namun, bangunan itu sudah diresmikan oleh Pemkot Kediri pada akhir 2019 lalu.
Proyek pembangunan GSG Ringinanom itu kontraktor penawarnya cukup banyak, yaitu 43 penawar. CV. Sekawan Elok menawarkan harga Rp 1,8 miliar lebih, yang akhirnya dimenangkan. Sebenarnya, masih ada CV yang menawar lebih rendah, yaitu CV. Jaya Makmur jaya dengan nilai penawaran Rp 1,7 miliar lebih. Tetapi CV. Jaya Makmur Jaya, harga penawaran itu dinilai tidak wajar. Selain itu, penawar terdekat di atas CV. Sekawan Elok, yaitu CV. Mitra Abadi, senilai Rp 1,9 miliar lebih, juga dikalahkan dengan alasan scapolding (tangga), bukan milik sendiri.
Sedangkan GSG Wilis II, yang juga dibangun tahun 2019 dengan HPS Rp 624 juta, sudah terlihat bangunannya mulai retak-retak pada sejumlah titik dindingnya. Sedangkan di bagian bagian dinding penyangga atap sebelah selatan, sudah mulai retak memanjang. Sedang pagar di bagian timur bangunan, juga belum tuntas lalu terkesan dibiarkan begitu saja. “Kalau itu bukan retak (retak di penyangga atap, red), namanya, tapi putus, bangunan kurang kuat. Kalau retak, pola retakannya tidak beraturan,”kata salah satu sumber.
Sementara itu, Apip Permana, Kepala Dinas Kominfo Kota Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi, hingga berita ini ditulis, belum memberikan jawaban. Malam sebelumnya, saat dikonfirmasi dia mengatakan masih akan mencari info dulu. (mam)
Building Contractors ‘Suspend’ Will Be Active Soon
KEDIRI – PT. Sekawan Elok, a multipurpose building construction contractor (GSG) for Ringinom Village, Kediri City, who is said to have ‘fled’ or left the project before completing construction, starting February 15, 2021, he can immediately participate in project tenders again. The reason is, based on data from the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) of Kediri City, the blacklist period or black list of CV. Sekawan Elok, only 1 year. Namely, from February 14, 2020 to February 14, 2021.
As reported, the GSG Ringinom building has been stalled for more than 1 year and is now being investigated by the East Java Regional Police. The project, worth more than Rp. 1.8 billion, is more than the HPS of Rp. 2.2 billion, only about 70 percent has been completed. There is no building roof, no plastered walls, no doors, no tiled floors, and so on. However, the building was inaugurated by the Kediri City Government at the end of 2019.
The GSG Ringinom construction project has quite a lot of bidder contractors, namely 43 bidders. CV. Sekawan Elok offered a price of more than Rp 1.8 billion, which was won in the end. Actually, there are still CVs that bid lower, namely CV. Jaya Makmur jaya with an offering value of more than Rp 1.7 billion. But CV. Jaya Makmur Jaya, the bid price is considered unreasonable. In addition, the closest bidder is CV. Sekawan Elok, namely CV. Mitra Abadi, valued at more than Rp 1.9 billion, was also defeated for reasons of scapolding (ladder), not their own.
Meanwhile, the GSG Wilis II, which was also built in 2019 with an HP of Rp.624 million, has seen the buildings begin to crack at a number of points on the walls. Meanwhile, the southern part of the supporting wall of the roof has begun to crack in lengths. Meanwhile, the wall in the eastern part of the building is also unfinished and seems to have been left alone. “If it is not a crack (crack in the roof support, red), the name is, but it is broken, the building is not strong enough. If it is cracked, the pattern of the crack is irregular, ”said one source.
Meanwhile, Apip Permana, Head of the Kediri City Communication and Information Agency, when confirmed, until this news was written, did not give an answer. The night before, when he was confirmed he said he would still seek information first. (mam)
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