KEDIRI – Selama dua hari berturut-turut, berita tentang masih masuknya ribuan karyawan PT Gudang Garam Tbk di tengah larangan warga berkumpul , warung disuruh tutup, masjid tidak boleh menggelar sholat Jumat, tempat ibadah disuruh tutup, resepsi pernikahan diobrak, pengajian dihentikan, sekolah diliburkan, dan sebagainya, mendapatkan tanggapan yang berbeda-beda dari Nitezen.
Berdasarkan data statistik situs kediripost, berita masih masuknya karyawan PT Gudang Garam Tbk, selama dua hari berturut-turut, Sabtu dan Minggu (28-29/3/2020) menjadi berita paling dicari. , Ada yang pro, ada yang was-was, ada yang menilai tebang pilih, dan sebagainya.
Berikut tampilan sebagian tanggapan Nitizen di satu grup facebook.
Namikaze Minato : Ngnuwi piye jare gk oleh grumbul2 …nyatane to ..panggah seng due duek seng menang tai aturan ngnuwi…
Sodikin Bener : Wong mantu gak oleh trus peraturan cap opo nginu
Wahyu : Jossss,, tetep Bayaran dewe,tetep ngebulll pawon eee,,,,GG nek iso ojo dilibur ke,ben ayemmm ati&sandang pangan e
Ristian Hadinata Pranata : Waduh malah cepet nyebar ni virus
Aries Bbi : Tebang pilih
Ivan Ipank : GG coy,, [ lo jual gua beli ]
Nurul Hidayah : Mga2 krywan GG sehat kbeh
Daniljack : Sebetul ya karyawan GG iku yo was was yo wedi kenek virus tpi lek kon mlebu yo mlebu engko lek gak mlebu yo di seneni trs kenek phk sepihak. Trs keluargane gak oleh pemasukan neh pye jajal
Sementara itu, Deddy Moch bastomy alias Odik, dari komunitas Peduli Budaya Kediri menilai wajar jika terjadi kontroversi di tengah masyarakat, terkait masih masuknya ribuan karyawan PT Gudang Garam Tbk di tengah ketakutan masyarakat terkait penyebaran Corona. “Warga dilarang kumpul-kumpul, tapi ini malah ada ribuan orang berkumpul dalam rentang waktu lama, justru dibiarkan,”kata Odik.
Odik menilai, bahwa GG memang penyumbang ekonomi terbesar di Kediri. Hanya saja, jika kondisi seperti ini karyawan tetap masuk dengan kumpulan ribuan orang tentu sangat riskan. “Jika ada satu saja karyawan yang positif terus menyebar kemana-mana, maka justru akan mengorban ribuan orang. Trus nanti siapa yang bertanggungjawab?,”tambah Odik.
Menurut Odik, seharusnya pemerintah daerah bersinergi dengan perusahaan terkait adanya wabah covid 19 ini. Minimal untuk para pekerja diliburkan dan diberikan kompensasi oleh perusahaan. Karena di Perusahaan GG dengan berkumpul nya ribuan orang tiap hari sangat berpotensi dalam penyebaran virus,”tandasnya. (mam)
Netizen Controversy about Thousands of GG Employees
KEDIRI – For two days in a row, news about thousands of employees of PT Gudang Garam Tbk still in the midst of community gatherings, stalls were told to close, mosques were not allowed to hold Friday prayers, places of worship were told to close, wedding receptions were broken in, recitation stopped, schools were closed, schools were closed , etc., get different responses from Nitezen. Based on the Kediripost website statistics, news of the still influx of employees of PT Gudang Garam Tbk, for two consecutive days, Saturday and Sunday (28-29 / 3/2020) became the most sought after news. , There are pros, some are anxious, some judge selective logging, and so on.
The following is a partial display of Nitizen responses on a Facebook group.
Namikaze Minato How about like that. Talking not by grumbul2 … really to … refuse of zinc due to the fact that the zinc won the rules of ngnuwi …
Sodikin Bener person’s daughter-in-law isn’t by the wahta like that stamp regulation
Wahyu Jossss ,, still Pay the goddess, but still pawon eee ,,,, GG if can , no be entertained to, for slow in heart i & food and clothing e
Ristian Hadinata Pranata Waduh quickly spread the virus
Aries Bbi Cut select
Ivan Ipank GG coy ,, [you sell it I buy]
Nurul Hidayah Wish employment GG is healthy
Daniljack Actually, GG employees said I was was yo wedi, but the virus did not contact the virus, but the dust did not work. Then the family doesn’t use the Pek Jajal nehal
Meanwhile, Deddy Moch bastomy aka Odik, from the Kediri Culture Care community, considers it natural that there is controversy in the community, related to the influx of thousands of employees of PT Gudang Garam Tbk amid public fears related to the spread of Corona. “Citizens are forbidden to get together, but instead there are thousands of people gathered for a long period of time, instead they were left alone,” Odik said.
Odik rate, that GG is indeed the biggest economic contributor in Kediri. It’s just that, if this condition employees still come in with a collection of thousands of people would be very risky. “If there is just one positive employee that continues to spread everywhere, it will sacrifice thousands of people. Then who will be responsible later? “Odik added.
According to Odik, the local government should work together with companies related to the covid 19 outbreak. At a minimum, workers are paid off and compensated by the company. Because thousands of people gather together every day in the GG Company, which has the potential to spread the virus, “he said. (mam)
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