Cafe Perahu Digerebek Warga

Ijin Jualan Soto, Tolak Pengaduan Resmi Lagi

KEDIRI – Café perahu di Lingkungan Klotok, Kelurahan Pojok, Kota Kediri, digerebek puluhan warga, termasuk ketua RT /RW dan tokoh masyarakat sekitar, Jumat (2/4/2021) karena dibuka kembali dan diduga digunakan untuk pesta miras, setelah beberapa bulan terakhir ditutup oleh Satpol PP. Café di kompleks perumahan warga itu, sudah berkali – kali diingatkan warga, tapi selalu buka lagi setelah ditutup. “Café itu sudah berkali – kali digerebek warga dan tutup, tapi selalu buka lagi,”kata Rikza Mutaza, coordinator aksi.

DIGEREBEK : Cafe perahu digerebek puluhan warga Klotok., Kelurahan Pojok, Kota Kediri, Jumat (2/4/2021)

Pada saat digeruduk warga, sebenarnya pengelola Café perahu itu, Budi, ada di lokasi. Karena memang café itu merangkap rumah tinggal Budi. Namun begitu warga berdatangan, Budi pergi entah kemana. Sebagian warga menduga, kemungkinan Budi berani buka lagi café nya karena ada keluarganya yang jadi polisi. Sebelum menggerebek Café, warga sudah melaporkan ke Satpol PP, warga diminta membuat laporan resmi lagi. Namun, permintaan itu ditolak warga karena sudah berkali – kali laporan dan diulangi. “Dulu sudah pernah diberi semacam police line sama Satpol PP, tapi police line itu sudah tidak ada lagi,”ujar warga yang lain.

PERABOT DIPINDAH : Sejumlah perabot cafe perahu saat dipindahkan dari lokasi untuk memastikan cafe itu benar-benar akan tutup

Sekitar pukul 09.00, warga akhirnya menggerebek sendiri Café itu agar ditutup.  Sebelumnya, beberapa hari terakhir, warga menyanggong lokasi Café itu dan menemukan sejumlah orang melakukan pesta miras. Juga ada perempuan yang diduga sebagai purel. Saat penggerebekan, warga juga menemukan sejumlah botol bekas minuman keras, sisa – sisa minuman keras, kaca kecil yang biasa untuk berdandan perempuan, dan sebagainya. Warga bersikukuh akan terus berada di situ, jika tidak ada penutupan total.

Setelah melakukan negosiasi antara keluarga Budi, warga, dan petugas, akhirnya disepakati café itu ditutup. Untuk memastikan café itu benar-benar tutup, sejumlah perabot seperti meja dan kursi, atas persetujuan keluarga Budi, diangkut keluar lokasi dengan menggunakan truk. Selain itu, juga ada pernyataan tertulis dari keluarga Budi bahwa café itu tutup. Sedangkan Satpol PP Kota Kediri, baru datang ke lokasi sekitar pukul 10.45, setelah semua negosiasi selesai dan perabot diangkut truk.

Rikza menjelaskan, café itu tidak ada ijinnya. Warga tahunya, lokasi itu berijin untuk berjualan Soto, tapi kenyataannya dijadikan cafe, menjual minuman keras, untuk minum – minuman keras, dan mengundang perempuan malam. “Sudah  berkali – kali digerebek, tapi buka lagi,”tandas Rikza. (mam)

People’s Raided Boat Cafe

Soto Selling Permit, Reject Official Complaints Again

KEDIRI – The boat cafe in the Klotok neighborhood, Pojok Kelurahan, Kediri City, was raided by dozens of residents, including the head of the RT / RW and local community leaders, Friday (2/4/2021) because it was reopened and allegedly used for alcohol parties, after the last few months closed by Satpol PP. The residents have been reminded of the cafe in the residential complex many times, but it always opens again after it is closed. “The cafe has been raided by residents many times and closed, but always opens again,” said Rikza Mutaza, the coordinator of the action.
When the residents raided him, actually the boat café manager, Budi, was at the location. Because the café doubles as Budi’s home. However, as soon as the residents arrived, Budi left somewhere. Some residents suspect that Budi may have the courage to open his cafe again because his family is a police officer. Before raiding the Café, residents had already reported to the Satpol PP, residents were asked to make an official report again. However, the residents rejected the request because it had been repeatedly reported and repeated. “Previously we have been given a kind of police line with Satpol PP, but that police line no longer exists,” said another resident.
At around 09.00, the residents finally raided the Café by itself so that it was closed. Previously, in the last few days, residents supported the location of the Café and found a number of people having a drinking party. There are also women who are suspected of being purels. During the raid, residents also found a number of used liquor bottles, liquor remnants, small glasses used to dress up women, and so on. The residents are adamant that they will continue to be there if there is no total closure.
After negotiating between Budi’s family, residents and officers, it was finally agreed that the café would be closed. To ensure that the café was completely closed, a number of furniture such as tables and chairs, with Budi’s family consent, were transported out of the location by truck. In addition, there is also a written statement from Budi’s family that the café is closed. Meanwhile, the Satpol PP of Kediri City arrived at the location at around 10:45 am, after all negotiations were completed and the furniture was transported by truck.
Rikza explained that the café has no license. The residents knew that the location had a license to sell Soto, but in reality it was turned into a cafe, selling liquor, for drinking, and inviting women to night. “It’s been raided many times, but it’s open again,” said Rikza. (mam)



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