Dhito – Dewi Dilantik di Surabaya

KEDIRI – Pasangan Bupati Kediri terpilih hasil Pilkada 9 Desember 2020, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito dan Dewi Maria Ulfa alias Dewi, dijadwalkan akan dilantik sebagai Bupati Kediri oleh Gubernur Jawa Timur, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, pada Jumat (26/2/2021) di gedung Grahadi, Surabaya. Sementara, para pimpinan DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, Forkompimda, KPU, Bawaslu, dan undangan lain, akan mengikuti prosesi pelantikan itu di Pendopo Kabupaten Kediri.

“Insya Allah (Jumat, 26/2/2021,red),”ujar Lutfi Mahmudiono, ketua DPD Partai NasDem Kabupaten Kediri, salah satu partai pendukung Dhito-Dewi, saat dikonfirmasi tentang kepastian pelantikan pasangan Dhito-Dewi.

Hal serupa diungkapkan ketua DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, Dodi Purwanto. Dodi memastikan pelantikan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati terpilih, dilakukan secara tatap muka dengan Gubernur (Jawa Timur,red), di Gedung Grahadi. “Sedangkan Forkopimda di pendopo kabupaten dan dibatasi maksimal 25 orang,”ujar Dodi, saat dikonfirmasi kediripost.co.id

Sebelumnya, waktu pelantikan Bupati – Wakil Bupati terpilih, Dhito – Dewi, seharusnya dilakukan 17 Februari 2021 lalu, setelah masa jabatan Bupati Haryanti – Masykuri habis. Namun, karena masih ada beberapa daerah yang menjalani sidang sengketa Pilkada di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), akhirnya pelantikan ditunda. Pelantikan pasangan Bupati /Walikota – Wakil Bupati / Walikota Walikota ini, di Jawa Timur dilakukan dilakukan secara serentak dalam satu hari di Gedung Grahadi, Surabaya oleh Gubernur Jawa Timur. (mam)

Dhito – Dewi Inaugurated in Surabaya

KEDIRI – The pair elected Regent of Kediri, the results of the elections of December 9, 2020, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito and Dewi Maria Ulfa alias Dewi, are scheduled to be inaugurated as Regent of Kediri by the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, on Friday (26/2/2021) at the building Grahadi, Surabaya. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Kediri Regency DPRD, Forkompimda, KPU, Bawaslu, and other invitees, will attend the inauguration procession at the Kediri Regency Pendopo.
“God willing (Friday, 26/2/2021, red),” said Lutfi Mahmudiono, chairman of the DPD NasDem Party in Kediri Regency, one of the supporting parties for Dhito-Dewi, when he was confirmed about the certainty of the inauguration of the Dhito-Dewi pair.
The chairman of the Kediri Regency DPRD, Dodi Purwanto, expressed a similar opinion. Dodi ensured that the inauguration of the elected Regent and Deputy Regent was carried out face-to-face with the Governor (East Java, red), at the Grahadi Building. “Meanwhile, Forkopimda is in the district hall and is limited to a maximum of 25 people,” said Dodi, when confirmed kediripost.co.id
Previously, the time for the inauguration of the elected Regent – Deputy Regent, Dhito – Dewi, was supposed to take place on February 17, 2021, after the term of Regent Haryanti – Masykuri ended. However, because there are still several regions that are undergoing election disputes at the Constitutional Court (MK), the inauguration is finally postponed. The inauguration of the pair of Regent / Mayor – Deputy Regent / Mayor of this Mayor, in East Java, is carried out simultaneously in one day at the Grahadi Building, Surabaya by the Governor of East Java. (mam)


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