KEDIRI – Bakal Calon Wakil Bupati Kediri yang akan mendampingi Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, rencananya akan diserahkan ke partai-partai koalisi untuk menentukan siapa nama yang diusung. “Jika nanti betul ada partai koalisi. Syukur kalau semuanya benar-benar bisa bergabung. Kan kurang etis kalau Calon Bupatinya sudah dari PDIP, terus wakilnya juga dari PDI-P,”ujar Dodik Purwanto, Sekretaris DPC PDIP Kabupaten Kediri, saat ditemui (24/3/2020).
Dodik mengakui memang ada sejumlah nama yang sementara ini muncul dalam bursa publik, tetapi semua itu sebagai masukan dan belum ada yang ditetapkan. Tim Dhito masih terus melakukan lobi-lobi politik, lobi ke tokoh politik dan roadshow ke sejumlah tokoh masyarakat untuk mengenalkan Dhito dan mendapatkan masukan. “Kalau ke tokoh-tokoh partai, sudah semua. Tapi kalau ke tokoh masyarakat belum semuanya. Melihat siatuasi terkait virus Corona, roadshow silaturrahmi ke tokoh masyarakat tidak diikuti banyak orang, paling tiga sampai empat orang,” tandas Dodik.
Menurut Dodik, secara lisan insya Allah para tokoh politik itu siap bergabung dalam koalisi Dhito. Hanya saja, sampai sekarang belum ada yang secara tertulis memberika dukungan dan ikut koalisi. Karena rekom memang dari DPP masing-masing partai. “Kita menunggu bukti tertulisnya. Sekarang belum ada pernyataan tertulis. Kita belum berani mengumumkan karena politik itu dinamis,”kata Dodik, yang juga ketua DPRD Kabupaten Kediri itu.
Terkait dengan mundurnya rekom DPP yang semula dijadwalkan awal Maret tapi sempai akhir Maret belum turun, Dodik mengaku tidak mengetahui secara pasti. Karena yang berhak memberikan rekomendasi adalah DPP di Jakarta. Apalagi situasi seperti sekarang, rekom calon Bupati / Wakil Bupati Kediri bisa mundur lagi dengan batas waktu yang belum ditentukan. “Situasi di Jakarta informasinya kan seakan mencekam. Kita belum tahu kapan rekom turun,”tambahnya. (mam)
Deputy Dhito Submitted to the Coalition
KEDIRI – The candidate for Deputy Regent of Kediri who will accompany Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, is planned to be submitted to the coalition parties to determine who the name is. “If later it is true there is a coalition party. Thank God that everyone can really join. It’s not ethical if the Regent Candidate is already from the PDIP, then his representative is also from the PDI-P, “said Dodik Purwanto, Secretary of the PDIP DPC Kediri Regency, when met by (03/24/2020).
Dodik admitted that there were indeed a number of names that had temporarily appeared on public exchanges, but all of them were input and none had been determined. The Dhito team continued to conduct political lobbies, lobbying political leaders and roadshows to a number of community leaders to introduce Dhito and get input. “If it is to party leaders, it’s all. But not all community leaders. Looking at the situation related to the Corona virus, the silaturrahmi roadshow to community leaders was not attended by many people, at most three to four people, “said Dodik.
According to Dodik, verbally, God willing, the political leaders were ready to join the Dhito coalition. It’s just that, until now no one has written in support and joined the coalition. Because the records are indeed from the DPP of each party. “We are waiting for the written evidence. Now there is no written statement. We don’t have the courage to announce because politics is dynamic, “said Dodik, who is also the chairman of the Kediri Regency DPRD.
Associated with the withdrawal of the DPP record which was originally scheduled for early March but the end of March has not dropped, Dodik claimed not to know for sure. Because those who are entitled to provide recommendations are the DPP in Jakarta. Moreover, the situation is like now, the record of candidates for Regent / Deputy Regent of Kediri can withdraw again with an undetermined deadline. “The situation in Jakarta is as if the information is tense. We don’t know yet when the records go down, “he added. (mam)
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