KEDIRI – Keruwetan di SSB Persik Kediri, ada kemungkinan masih akan terus merembet. Setelah latihan dihentikan total, masalah kelengkapan yang dijanjikan ke para siswa bisa belum belum ada kejelasan. Bahkan, keuangan secara total pesanan yang seharusnya diberikan ke rekanan pembuat kelengkapan, seperti kaos, jaket, dan kaos kaki, masih ada kekurangan Rp 100 juta lebih. “Sekarang pengerjaannya dihentikan, karena belum ada tambahan DP dan belum ada perintah untuk melanjutkan,”ujar salah seorang pengelola PT. Athakyn Group, tempat memesan kelengkapan SSB Persik.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, para wali siswa SSB Persik menuntut agar kelengkapan untuk para siswa SSB segera dipenuhi. Sebab, mereka sudah membayar lunas tapi hak para siswa belum dituntaskan. Di awal masuk, mereka membayar Rp 1 juta per siswa dan per bulan iuran Rp 300 ribu per siswa.
Menurut salah satu pengelola PT Athakyn group, yang menolak disebut namanya, dua kaos jersey seragam SSB Persik sudah diambil. Meskipun DP yang diberikan, untuk total biaya kaos jersey itu belum cukup. Sedangkan kaos kaki dan jaket belum. “Kalau jersey, sebenarnya sebelum pandemi itu sudah selesai, tapi tidak segera diambil,”katanya.
Dia menjelaskan, untuk jaket semua bahan sudah siap dan sudah dipotongi, tinggal menyelesaikan. Sedangkan untuk kaos kaki dipesankan ke rekanan dia, yang spesialis mengerjakan kaos kaki. “Kalau sudah ada perintah untuk mengerjakan atau deadline kapan, misalnya akhir September harus selesai, ya kita kerjakan, Cuma kita belum diberitahu soal itu,”tandasnya.
Sementara itu, Media Officer dan Humas Persik Kediri, Anwar Bahar Basalamah, saat dikonfirmasi menjelaskan masalah SSB Persik masih proses dibereskan administrasinya. “Bulan ini selesai dan semua siswa bisa menerima kekurangannya,”jelasnya.
Terkait kekurangan pembayaran ke pihak ketiga, PT Athakyn Group, apakah akan diselesaikan Persik? Basalamah mengatakan SSB Persik masih di bawah manajemen Persik. “Akan diselesaikan semua. Beres,”tambahnya. (mam)
SSB Persik Pay Less than Rp. 100 Million
KEDIRI – The complexity at SSB Persik Kediri, there is a possibility that it will continue to spread. After the exercise is completely stopped, the problem of completeness that was promised to students may not yet be clear. In fact, the total order finances that should have been given to the equipment manufacturing partners, such as t-shirts, jackets and socks, still have a shortage of more than Rp. 100 million. “Now the work is stopped, because there is no additional DP and there is no order to continue,” said one of the managers of PT. Athakyn Group, the place to order the complete SSB Persik.
As previously reported, the guardians of SSB Persik students demanded that the equipment for SSB students be fulfilled immediately. This is because they have paid in full, but the rights of the students have not been completed. At the beginning of their entry, they paid Rp. 1 million per student and Rp. 300 thousand per month per student.
According to one of the managers of the PT Athakyn group, who refused to be named, two of the SSB Persik uniforms had been taken. Even though the DP is given, the total cost of the jersey is not enough. While socks and jackets have not. “As for the jersey, actually before the pandemic it was over, but it was not taken immediately,” he said.
He explained, for the jacket, all the materials were ready and already cut, it was just finishing. Meanwhile, the socks were ordered to his partner, who specializes in socks work. “If there is already an order to work on or a deadline, for example by the end of September it must be completed, so we will do it, but we have not been informed about that,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Media Officer and Public Relations of Persik Kediri, Anwar Bahar Basalamah, when confirmed, explained that the SSB Persik problem was still in the process of being cleared for administration. “This month is over and all students can accept the shortcomings,” he explained.
Regarding the lack of payment to a third party, PT Athakyn Group, will Persik be resolved? Basalamah said SSB Persik is still under the management of Persik. “All will be resolved. It’s done, “he added. (mam)
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