Sigit Terpilih Secara Aklamasi

TARGET TAMBAH KURSI : Sigit Sosiawan, terpilih kembali sebagai ketua DPD Partai Golkar Kabupaten Kediri secara aklamasi

KEDIRI – Sigit Sosiawan, kembali terpilih sebagai ketua DPD Partai Golkar Kabupaten Kediri periose 2020-2025 secara aklamasi, pada Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) Rabu, 12 Agustus 2020 di kantor DPD Partai Golkar Kabupaten Kediri. Sebelumnya, Musda itu memunculkan dua kandidat, yaitu Kuswanto dan Sigit Sosiawan.

Sebelum persidangan, sejumlah pengurus kecamatan Partai Golkar yang mengusung nama Kuswanto, sempat meneriakkan yel-yel dukungan ke Kuswanto. Sedangkan para pendukung Sigit lebih banyak mengamati dan diam yel-yel itu, tidak banyak melakukan aksi dukungan. Guna menghindari kemungkinan perpecahan di tubuh Partai Golkar, Ketua DPD Golkar Jawa Timur, Sarmuji, menyarankan agar para kandidat itu melakukan lobi-lobi agar Musda berjalan mulus.  Sehingga Musda sempat ditunda beberapa saat. Akhirnya, dalam Musda itu mereka sepakat menetapkan kembali Sigit Sosiawan sebagai ketua DPD Partai Golkar.

Ketua DPD Golkar Jawa Timur, Sarmuji, menjelaskan Musda Golkar ini memiliki dua agenda penting, yaitu membuat program kerja lima tahun ke depan dan memilih pemimpin Golkar Kabupaten Kediri. “Dua agenda itu sama-sama penting untuk membesarkan Partai Golkar ke depan,”ujarnya.

Sedangkan Kuswanto, salah satu kandidat ketua, mengatakan dia legowo menerima hasil itu karena untuk menjaga marwah partai Golkar dan agar tidak terjadi perpecahan antarkader. Dia berharap agar semuanya bisa berjalan lebih baik.

Sementara itu, Sigit Sosiawan menjelaskan tugas ke depan sangat berat, untuk menghadapi Pilkada 2020 dan Pilleg. Namun dia optimis bahwa ke depan Golkar akan mampu menambah kursi di DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, melihat situasi dan perkembangan politik saat ini. “Target harus ada. Melihat siuasi saat ini, insya Allah kita akan bisa menambah dua atau tiga kursi lagi,”jelasnya. (mam)

Sigit was chosen by acclamation

KEDIRI – Sigit Sosiawan, was re-elected as chairman of the Golkar Party DPD Kediri Regency 2020-2025 by acclamation, at the Regional Conference (Musda) Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at the DPD office of the Golkar Party, Kediri Regency. Previously, the Musda raised two candidates, namely Kuswanto and Sigit Sosiawan.
Before the trial, a number of Golkar Party sub-district officials who carried the name Kuswanto, had shouted chants of support to Kuswanto. Meanwhile, Sigit’s supporters watched more and kept yelling silent, did not take much support action. In order to avoid a possible split within the Golkar Party, the Chairman of the East Java Golkar DPD, Sarmuji, suggested that the candidates lobby so that the Musda would run smoothly. So that the Musda was postponed for a while. Finally, in the Musda they agreed to re-establish Sigit Sosiawan as chairman of the DPD Golkar Party.
Chairman of the East Java Golkar DPD, Sarmuji, explained that the Golkar Musda has two important agendas, namely making a work program for the next five years and electing the Golkar leader in Kediri Regency. “The two agendas are equally important to raise the Golkar Party in the future,” he said.
Meanwhile, Kuswanto, one of the candidates for chairman, said he agreed to accept the result because it was to protect the spirit of the Golkar party and so that there would be no division between the cadres. He hopes that things can go better.
Meanwhile, Sigit Sosiawan explained that the task ahead is very tough, to face the 2020 Pilkada and Pilleg. However, he is optimistic that in the future Golkar will be able to add seats in the Kediri Regency DPRD, given the current political situation and developments. “There must be a target. Looking at the current situation, God willing, we will be able to add two or three more seats, ”he explained. (mam)

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