KEDIRI – Sidang lanjutan konflik Perkumpulan Sinoman Dana Pangrukti Kediri di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kota Kediri, kembali tegang. Saksi ahli yang dihadirkan tergugat, Irwan Permadi, dicecar pertanyaan Penasehat Hukum (PH) penggugat, khususnya terkait dengan isi AD/ART perkumpulan dan konsekwensi efek terkait AD/ART, berkali-kali tidak mau menjawab, kadang tidak menjawab sesuai pertanyaan, kadang hanya normatif, kadang hanya diam saja tanpa jawaban. Sering jawabannya terkesan bulet. “Dikembalikan ke AD/ART. Dikembalikan ke aturan,”saat ditanya Wijono SH, dan Samsul Arifin S.H, PH penggugat, terkait kegiatan yang dinilai tidak sesuai dengan fungsi perkumpulan di AD/ART, apakah itu melanggar atau tidak? Tanpa memberikan jawaban tegas.
Merasa kurang puas dengan jawaban saksi ahli, Wijono membacakan dua fungsi atau tujuan berdirinya perkumpulan yang tertera di AD /ART perkumpulan. Namun, Iwan Permadi tetap tidak mau memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan Wijono.
Situasi inilah yang kemudian memunculkan ketegangan. Iwan mungkin merasa kesal terus dikejar pertanyaan dan berusaha mengelak. Sedangkan PH terus mencecar pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan jawaban tegas dari saksi ahli. Ketegangan itu kemudian dilerai oleh majelis hakim.
Namun saat ditanya PH tergugat, Edy Suwito S.H, dengan materi pertanyaan serupa, terkait sembahyang rebutan yang digelar perkumpulan, Iwan Permadi langsung memberikan jawaban. “Itu kegiatan sosial. Saya bukan tidak mau menjawab, tapi saya ingin menjawab seperti itu,”ujar Iwan Permadi.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, pengurus Dana Pangrukti Kediri digugat oleh sebagian anggota karena dinilai kepengurusan itu tidak sah karena susunan pengurusnya tidak sesuai dengan sidang formatur yang terakhir. Mereka digugat perdata dengan nilai kerugian immateriil Rp 10 miliar. Para pengurus sendiri bersikukuh mereka sah, karena sudah ditetapkan di Kemenkumhan dan sudah sesuai aturan.
Usai memberi kesaksian di persidangan, saat ditemui awak media, Iwan tampak masih tegang dengan situasi persidangan. Dia juga menolak menjawab pertanyaan awak media yang mengejarnya sambil mengibaskan map ke awak media. (mam)
The Session of the Pangrukti Fund was Strained Back
KEDIRI – The continued session of the conflict of the Pangrukti Kediri Dana Sinoman Association in the Kediri City District Court (PN), was again strained. The expert witness presented by the defendant, Irwan Permadi, was questioned by the Plaintiff’s Legal Counsel (PH) question, especially related to the contents of the Association’s statutes and bylaws and the consequences of the effects related to the Statutes / By-Laws, repeatedly unwilling to answer, sometimes not answering according to the question, sometimes only normative , sometimes just keep quiet without an answer. Often the answer seems bullet. “Returned to AD / ART. Returned to the rules, “when asked by Wijono SH, and Samsul Arifin S.H, the plaintiff’s PH, related to activities that were deemed not in accordance with the function of the association in the Statutes / By-Laws, was that violating or not? Without giving a firm answer.
Feeling unsatisfied with the answers of expert witnesses, Wijono read out the two functions or objectives of the establishment of the association listed in the Association’s Statutes / By-Laws. However, Iwan Permadi still did not want to provide answers to Wijono’s questions.
This situation then raises the tension. Iwan may feel annoyed and continue to be pursued questions and try to avoid. While the PH continued to scrutinize the question to get a firm answer from an expert witness. The tension was then broken by the panel of judges.
However, when asked by the defendant’s PH, Edy Suwito S.H, with the same question material, related to the conquest held by the gathering, Iwan Permadi immediately gave an answer. “That’s a social activity. I do not want to answer, but I want to answer like that, “said Iwan Permadi.
As reported previously, the management of the Pangrukti Kediri Fund was sued by some members because it was considered that the management was invalid because the composition of the management was not in accordance with the last session of the formation. They were sued civilly with an immaterial loss value of Rp 10 billion. The administrators themselves insist they are legitimate, because they have been established at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and are in accordance with the rules.
After giving his testimony at the trial, when I was met by the media crew, Iwan seemed still tense with the trial situation. He also refused to answer the question of the media crew who was chasing him while shaking the folder to the media crew. (mam)
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