117 Meninggal, yang Diajukan Hanya 28 orang
KEDIRI – Tengara kurang maksimalnya penanganan covid-19 di Kabupaten Kediri, khususnya terkait dengan hak warga, juga muncul di masalah hak santunan untuk warga yang meninggal karena covid-19. Bagi warga yang meninggal karena covid, Kementrian Sosial memberikan santunan Rp 15 juta untuk ahli waris, yang pengajuannya melalui Dinas Sosial Kabupaten / Kota. Tetapi di Kabupaten Kediri, belum ada satu pun yang keluar. Selain itu, dari data 117 kasus meninggal karena covid, sampai menjelang akhir tahun 2020, hanya 28 yang diajukan Dinsos untuk mendapatkan santunan. Santunan Rp 15 juta itu tertuang dalam SE Kemensos Nomor : 427/3.2/B.S.01.02/08/2020 tentang penanganan perlindungan sosial bagi korban meninggal dunia akibat covid-19.
Intan, salah seorang ahli waris yang ayahnya meninggal akibat covid-19 di Kecamatan Ngasem, April 2020 mengaku dirinya sudah diarahkan kepala desa untuk mengurus santunan itu dan sudah mengurus berkas kelengkapannya ke Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Kediri. Namun, hingga sekarang belum ada kabar terkait santunan itu. “Belum ada kabar. Sebenarnya sangat butuh uang itu untuk biaya kuliah,”ujarnya, saat dihubungi kediripost.
Sedangkan siroj, yang ibunya meninggal dunia karena covid di Kecamatan Mojo, justru mengaku sama sekali tidak mendapatkan kabar terkait santunan dari Mensos bagi warga yang meninggal dunia itu, baik dari perangkat desa maupun dari Gugus Tugas Covid-19. “Saya malah sempat dapat kabar dari saudara yang di Sidoarjo. “Kalau dari petugas, sama sekali belum mendapatkan kabar,”tandasnya.
Siroj mengaku belum mengetahui pasti apakah isu santunan bagi warga yang meninggal akibat covid itu benar-benar ada atau tidak. Jika memang ada, dia juga belum mengetahui bagaimana cara mengurusnya. “Dari Pemdes maupun dari Dinas terkait, belum ada yang memberi kabar,”tandasnya.
Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Kediri, Suharsono, saat dikonfirmasi mengaku pihaknya sudah mengajukan santunan untuk korban covid yang meninggal itu ke Provinsi Jawa Timur, tetapi hingg saat ini belum terealisasi. “Belum terealisasi,”ujarnya.
Saat ditanya berapa orang yang diajukan? Suharsono menyebut angka 28 orang. Saat ditanya lagi mengapa hanya 28 orang dan kapan diajukan? Suharsono tidak menjawab. Dia meminta kediripost untuk konfirmasi ke Didik, Kabid Jaminan Sosial. Namun, saat Didik dihubungi, tidak memberikan jawaban. Sehingga belum jelas mengapa ahli waris mereka belum diajukan dan / atau tidak diberitahu soal santunan Rp 15 juta itu.
Berdasarkan data yang dirilis di website gugus tugas covid 19 Kabupaten Kediri hingga Jumat, 11 Desember, tercatat ada 117 korban meninggal. Sehingga, masih ada 99 orang meninggal karena covid yang tidak atau setidaknya belum diajukan untuk mendapat santunan. Jika dinilai secara uang, 117 orang x 15.000.000 = 1.75 miliar lebih. (mam)
Covid compensation of IDR 15 million, not being taken care of?
117 Died, Submitted Only 28 people
KEDIRI – Landmarks of the less optimal handling of covid-19 in Kediri Regency, especially related to the rights of residents, also arise in the issue of compensation rights for residents who died because of Covid-19. For residents who died because of Covid, the Ministry of Social Affairs provided compensation of Rp. 15 million for the heirs, which were submitted through the Regency / City Social Service. But in Kediri District, not one has left. In addition, from data on 117 cases of death due to covid, until the end of 2020, only 28 were submitted by the Social Agency for compensation. The Rp. 15 million compensation was stated in the Ministry of Social Affairs Circular Number: 427 / 3.2 / B.S.01.02 / 08/2020 regarding the handling of social protection for victims who died due to Covid-19.
Intan, one of the heirs whose father died due to covid-19 in Ngasem District, April 2020 admitted that he had been directed by the village head to take care of the compensation and had taken care of the complete documents at the Kediri Regency Social Service. However, until now there has been no news regarding this compensation. “No news. Actually, the money is really needed for tuition fees, “he said, when contacted by the Kediripost.
Meanwhile, Siroj, whose mother died due to covid in Mojo District, admitted that she did not get any news regarding compensation from the Social Minister for the residents who died, both from village officials and from the Covid-19 Task Force. “I even got news from relatives in Sidoarjo. “As for the officers, we have not received any news at all,” he said.
Siroj admitted that he did not know for sure whether the issue of compensation for residents who died due to Covid really existed or not. If there was, he also didn’t know how to take care of it. “From the village government or from related agencies, no one has given any news,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Kediri Regency Social Service, Suharsono, when confirmed, admitted that his party had submitted compensation for the Covid victim who died to East Java Province, but until now it has not been realized. “It has not been realized,” he said.
When asked how many people were submitted? Suharsono said the number was 28 people. When asked again why only 28 people and when was it submitted? Suharsono did not answer. He asked kediripost for confirmation to Didik, Head of Social Security. However, when Didik was contacted, he did not give an answer. So it is not clear why their heirs have not been submitted and / or not informed about the Rp. 15 million compensation.
Based on data released on the website of the Covid 19 task force in Kediri Regency until Friday, December 11, 117 deaths were recorded. So, there are still 99 people who have died because of Covid who have not or at least have not been submitted for compensation. In terms of money, 117 people x 15,000,000 = 1.75 billion more. (mam)
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