Geger Koperasi NMSI, Anton ‘Kabur’ ke Kalimantan?
KEDIRI – Dugaan kehilangan uang miliaran dana Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI) Jl. Patiunus, Kota Kediri, sejak awal tampaknya memang potensial untuk hilang. Sebab, semua dana yang dikumpulkan dari para mitra itu disimpan di bank di CIMB Niaga, tetapi yang bisa mengakses uang itu untuk pengambilan, hanya satu orang yaitu ketua koperasi, Christian Anton Hardianto alias Anton. “Pengurus lain tidak bisa mengakses,”ujar Lalu Ahmad Baiquni, Sekretaris Koperasi NMSI.
Seperti diberitakan, puluhan agen koperasi NMSI, yang antara lain bergerak di pembudidayaan Tawon Lanceng penghasil madu, Sabtu (6/1/2021) digeruduk para agennya dari seluruh Indonesia, setelah ada informasi laporan polisi bahwa uang di rekening hilang. Para agen itulah yang mencari dan mengumpulkan para mitra untuk investasi budidaya Tawon Lanceng. Setiap kotak tawon atau setup, mitra investasi Rp 500 ribu. Setiap 3 bulan, diberi profit Rp 130 ribu. Satu agen, bisa mengumpulkan miliaran hingga puluhan miliar dana investasi dari para mitra. Salah satu agen dari Tulungagung, mengaku total investasi yang dikumpulkan dari para mitra sudah sekitar Rp 14 miliar, agen dari Baron, Nganjuk, mengaku sekitar Rp 4 miliar, agen dari Semarang mengaku sekitar Rp 10 miliar, dan sebagainya.
Menurut Lalu, di rekening CIMB Niaga, Kamis (4/1/2021) ada penarikan Rp 5 miliar tunai. Pada Jumat sore, ketika dicek lagi masih ada sisa dana di rekening sekitar Rp 304 juta. Tetapi setelah dicek lagi, dananya sudah tidak ada. Tetapi di beberapa rekening pendukung, yang atas nama Anton, misalnya di BCA dan BRI, belum bisa diketahui berapa isi rekeningnya. “Kita belum mengetahui di rekening bank lain, karena belum bisa mengakses,”tandas Lalu.
Lalu mengaku sejak Jumat, (5/1/21), Anton memang sudah tidak bisa dihubungi. Belum diketahui dimana keberadaannya. “ Memang kita tidak menuduh. Tetapi dia (Anton,red) memang sudah tidak bisa dihubungi.
Sebagian sumber di internal koperasi NMSI, mengaku mereka sudah berusaha mencari Anton di rumahnya, kawasan Wates, Kediri. Tetapi rumahnya sudah kosong. Ada juga beberapa info bahwa Anton sudah pindah kos di beberapa lokasi, tetapi lokasi itu ketika didatangi, Anton juga tidak ada. “Kabar terakhir, dia sudah pindah ke Kalimantan,”ujar sumber itu. (mam)
Tens of Billions of Partner funds in Personal Accounts
Geger Koperasi NMSI, Anton ‘Escape’ to Kalimantan?
KEDIRI – Allegations of losing billions of funds from the Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia Cooperative (NMSI) Jl. Patiunus, Kediri City, from the start it seemed that the potential was lost. This is because all the funds collected from these partners are kept in a bank at CIMB Niaga, but only one person can access the money for withdrawal, namely the head of the cooperative, Christian Anton Hardianto alias Anton. “Other administrators cannot access,” said Lalu Ahmad Baiquni, Secretary of the NMSI Cooperative.
As reported, dozens of agents from the NMSI cooperative, which, among others, are engaged in the cultivation of honey-producing Tawon Lanceng, on Saturday (6/1/2021), were attacked by agents from all over Indonesia, after a police report received information that money in the account was lost. These agents are the ones who seek and gather partners for investment in the Tawon Lanceng cultivation. Each wasp box or setup, partner investment is IDR 500 thousand. Every 3 months, they are given a profit of IDR 130 thousand. One agent can raise billions to tens of billions of investment funds from partners. One of the agents from Tulungagung admitted that the total investment collected from the partners was around Rp. 14 billion, the agent from Baron, Nganjuk, admitted that it was around Rp. 4 billion, the agent from Semarang claimed around Rp. 10 billion, and so on.
According to Lalu, in the CIMB Niaga account, Thursday (4/1/2021) there was a withdrawal of IDR 5 billion in cash. On Friday afternoon, when it was checked again, there were still funds remaining in the account of around Rp. 304 million. But after checking again, the funds were not there. However, in several supporting accounts, which are in Anton’s name, for example at BCA and BRI, it is not yet known how much the contents of the account are. “We don’t know what other bank accounts are, because we can’t access it yet,” said Lalu.
Then he admitted that since Friday (5/1/21), Anton had indeed been unable to be contacted. It is not yet known where it is. “Indeed, we are not accusing. But he (Anton, red) is no longer contactable.
Some sources within the NMSI cooperative admitted that they had tried to find Anton at his house, Wates area, Kediri. But the house is empty. There is also some information that Anton has moved boarding houses in several locations, but when he visited that location, Anton was also not there. “The latest news is that he has moved to Kalimantan,” said the source. (mam)
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