KEDIRI – Seorang yang positif covid, ASN, di Kelurahan Pesantren, Kota Kediri, terkesan kuat ‘dibiarkan’ begitu saja tanpa penanganan apapun dari Gugus Covid Kota Kediri. Diumumkan ke warga agar hati-hati saja, tidak ada. Untung saja, pasien itu dinilai sejumlah warga berbaik hati. Dia mengumumkan sendiri ke sejumlah warga bahwa dirinya positif setelah swab dan dia isolasi mandiri di rumah, sendirian, keluarganya kemudian diungsikan ke Katang. “Saya heran, kok seperti sengaja dibiarkan begitu saja. Padahal sudah satu minggu lebih,”ujar salah seorang warga, yang menolak disebut namanya.
Warga itu mengaku, dia belum pernah melihat sama sekali petugas Gugus datang untuk mengecek pasien, mengumumkan ke warga harus bagaimana dan sebagainya. Pemantauan, bantuan medis, atau bantuan sembako untuk keluarga dan warga sekitar, juga tidak ada. “Warga gak ada yang berani berbuat apa-apa, instruksi harus apa dan bagaimana, juga tidak ada sama sekali,”tandas sumber itu.
Sedikit berbeda dengan perlakuan pasien sebelumnya, juga di perumahan Wisma Asri. Dia diisolasi di rumah, dijaga petugas gugus, ada tendanya, ada bantuan beras untuk dua tiga keluarga di sebelahnya, dan sebagainya. “Sehingga warga bisa bersikap lebih jelas. Kalau tiba-tiba ada luar seperti temannya tiba-tiba datang ke rumah pasien bagaimana? Karena dia tidak tahu kalau yang dikunjungi positif?,” kata warga lagi.
Sementara itu, Wasis, ketua RT setempat, saat dikonfirmasi juga tidak mau memberikan keterangan banyak dan dia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Dianggap tidak ada apa-apa karena memang tidak ada kabar apapun. “Gak ada apa-apa. Kalau minta keterangan jangan ke saya. Saya tidak bisa memberi keterangan apa-apa,”kata Wasis.
Sedangkan juru bicara Gugus Covid-19 Kota Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi terkait dengan pasien covid-19 di perumahan Wisma Asri itu, belum memberikan jawaban. WA dari kediripost hanya dibaca tanpa memberi keterangan apapun. (mam)
Positive Covid, Left by the City Government?
KEDIRI – A person who is positive for covid, ASN, in the Pesantren Village, Kediri City, has a strong impression of being “left alone” without any handling from the Kediri City Covid Group. Announced to the residents to be careful, nothing. Fortunately, the patient was judged by a number of residents to be kind. He himself announced to a number of residents that he was positive after the swab and he was isolated independently at home, alone, his family was then evacuated to Katang. “I am amazed, how come it seems like I just left it on purpose. Even though it has been more than a week, ”said one resident, who declined to be named.
The resident admitted that he had never seen a Gugus officer come to check on patients, announce what to do and what to do. There is also no monitoring, medical assistance, or basic food assistance for families and local residents. “No one dared to do anything, what instructions should be and how, there was none at all,” said the source.
Slightly different from the previous patient’s treatment, also in the Wisma Asri housing. He was isolated at home, guarded by cluster officers, had his tent, there was rice assistance for two or three families next to him, and so on. “So that residents can act more clearly. If suddenly someone outside like a friend suddenly comes to the patient’s house what? Because he did not know if those visited were positive ?, ”said the resident again.
Meanwhile, Wasis, the head of the local RT, also did not want to give much information and he didn’t know what to do. It was considered that there was nothing because there was no news. “No, nothing. Don’t ask me for information. I cannot provide any information, ”said Wasis.
Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the Covid-19 Cluster in Kediri City, when confirmed regarding the Covid-19 patient at the Wisma Asri housing complex, had not yet given an answer. WA from kediripost is only read without giving any information. (mam)
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