KEDIRI – Koalisi partai di Kabupaten Kediri menjelang Pilkada 23 September mendatang, mulai mengerucut. Tiga partai yaitu PKB, PAN, dan Gerindra, sudah memastikan diri untuk melakukan koalisi mengusung Supadi – Samsul Huda. Dengan batas minimal 10 kursi di DPRD untuk mengusung calon bupati / wakil bupati, maka koalisi ini sudah melebihi batas minimal, karena PKB memiliki 9 kursi, PAN 5 kursi, dan Gerindra 5 kursi, total 19 kursi.
Kepastian koalisi tiga partai ini, terungkap saat Rakerda II PAN di salah satu hotel di Katang, Sabtu (25/1) malam ini. Hadir dalam Rakerda II PAN ini, antara lain ketua DPC PKB Sentot Djamaluddin, kandidat calon bupati Supadi, sekretaris DPW PAN Jawa Timur, Babussalam. “Kita sudah sepakat untuk koalisi, PKB, PAN, Gerindra,”ujar Sentot, ditemui kediri post usai pembukaan Rakerda.
Sentot menambahkan, koalisi ini sebenarnya sudah dibangun lama di parlemen. Mereka sepakat bersama-sama menghadapi dominasi birokrasi yang dibackup oleh PDIP. “Ternyata koalisi ini justru berlanjut dalam Pilkada ini,”tandas Sentot.
Menurut Sentot, pihaknya juga sudah melakukan komunikasi dengan beberapa partai lain untuk memperkuat koalisi ini. Hanya saja, mereka belum sempat bertemu untuk membahas secara khusus soal itu. “Insya Allah mereka sudah siap untuk bergabung. Tetapi belum ada kepastian,”lanjut Sentot.
Hal serupa diungkapkan Muhaimin, ketua DPD PAN Kabupaten Kediri. Muhaimin mengaku pihaknya sudah sepakat untuk koalisi dengan PKB dan Gerindra. Sehingga PAN tidak membuka pendaftaran secara terbuka untuk kandidat calon bupati / wakil bupati. “Insya Allah, kita sudah sepakat mengusung Supadi,”tandas Muhaimin.
Saat Rakerda II PAN ini, yel-yel dukungan ke Supadi juga diteriakkan oleh para peserta. Pimpinan sidang Rakerda II PAN juga menegaskan dan meminta persetujuan para anggota untuk memberikan kuasa kepada ketua DPD PAN Kabupaten Kediri guna melakukan koalisi dengan PKB dan Gerindra. (mam)
PKB – PAN – Gerindra Usung Supadi
KEDIRI – The party coalition in Kediri Regency ahead of the upcoming September 23 elections, began to cone. Three parties, namely PKB, PAN, and Gerindra, have confirmed to conduct a coalition carrying Supadi – Samsul Huda. With a minimum limit of 10 seats in the DPRD to carry prospective regents / deputy regents, this coalition has exceeded the minimum limit, because PKB has 9 seats, PAN 5 seats, and Gerindra 5 seats, a total of 19 seats.
The certainty of the coalition of the three parties was revealed during the PAN Rakda Regional II at one of the hotels in Katang, Saturday (1/25) tonight. Present at the PAN Rakda Regional II included the chairman of DPC PKB Sentot Djamaluddin, candidate candidate for regent Supadi, secretary of the East Java PAN DPW, Babussalam. “We have agreed to the coalition, PKB, PAN, Gerindra,” Sentot said, found in a post after the opening of the Regional Workshop.
Sentot added that this coalition had actually been built a long time ago in parliament. They agreed together to face the dominance of the bureaucracy backed up by the PDIP. “It turns out that this coalition actually continues in this election,” said Sentot.
According to Sentot, his party has also communicated with several other parties to strengthen this coalition. It’s just that they have not had time to meet to discuss specifically the matter. “God willing, they are ready to join. But there is no certainty, “Sentot continued.
A similar thing was expressed by Muhaimin, chairman of the PAN Regional Representative Council of Kediri Regency. Muhaimin admitted that his party had agreed to a coalition with PKB and Gerindra. So that PAN does not open registration openly for candidates for regent / deputy regent candidate. “God willing, we have agreed to carry Supadi,” said Muhaimin.
During the PAN Rakda Regional II, yells of support to Supadi were also shouted by the participants. The chair of the PAN Rakerda II session also affirmed and requested the members’ agreement to give power to the chairman of the PAN DPD of Kediri Regency to form a coalition with PKB and Gerindra. (mam)
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