Diklat Kesehatan Koperasi, Target 1 RW 1 Koperasi
KEDIRI – Pemerintah Kota Kediri terus menggalakkan upaya peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, salah satunya melalui koperasi. Targetnya, 1 RW 1 Koperasi. Selain itu, pada 2021 Pemkot berencana menggulirkan hibah dana untuk koperasi RW yang sehat.
Kini, Pemkot melalui Dinas Koperasi, UMKM, dan Naker, menggelar Diklat kesehatan pengelolaan koperasi, khususnya untuk pengurus koperasi RW. “Sesuai program prioritas pembangunan Kota Kediri, Walikota menargetkan 1 RW punya 1 koperasi yang sehat. Maka kami mengadakan pelatihan ini,” kata Bagus Alit, Plt. Kepala Dinas Koperasi Kota Kediri, pada Diklat penilaian koperasi RW se-Kota Kediri, di kantor Dinas Koperasi dan UMTK Kota Kediri (6/11/20).
Diklat itu diikuti 75 orang. Agar tidak terjadi kerumunan selama pandemi, maka diklat dibagi menjadi 3 angkatan, masing-masing 25 orang. Angkatan I pada 19-21 Oktober 2020, angkatan II pada tanggal 22-24 Oktober 2020, dan angkatan III pada tanggal 4-6 Nopember 2020.
Menurut Bagus, Diklat ini untuk memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan teknis kepada pengurus dalam penilaian kesehatan terhadap koperasi masing- masing. Pada tahun 2021, rencananya Pemkot Kediri akan memberikan hibah yang bersumber dari APBD melalui Prodamas Plus kepada koperasi RW yang sehat. “Pelatihan ini merupakan salah satu bekal para pengurus untuk melakukan penilaian kesehatan koperasinya masing-masing secara mandiri,”tandasnya.
Sementara itu, Satria Sani, Kasie Organisasi Tata Laksana dan Usaha Koperasi Kota Kediri, menjelaskan berdasarkan data , sekitar 75 persen dari 570 unit koperasi di Kota Kediri, khususnya koperasi RW, belum melakukan menilaian kesehatan. Sementara tenaga teknis Dinkop jumlahnya terbatas untuk menjangkau semua unit koperasi. “Berbekal diklat kali ini, masing-masing pengurus bisa melakukan penilaian mandiri kemudian diajukan ke Dinas Koperasi Kota Kediri untuk verifikasi dan sertifikasi,”kata Satria.
Penilaian kesehatan, lanjut Satria, sesuai ketentuan perkoperasian yaitu permodalan, kualitas aktiva produktif, manajemen, efisiensi, likuiditas, kemandirian dan pertumbuhan, serta jati diri koperasi. (bad)
City Government Will Disburse RW Koperasi Grant
Cooperative Health Training, Target 1 RW 1 Cooperative
KEDIRI – Kediri City Government continues to promote efforts to improve the community’s economy, one of which is through cooperatives. The target is 1 RW 1 Cooperative. In addition, in 2021 the municipal government plans to roll out grants for healthy RW cooperatives.
Now, the City Government, through the Cooperative Office, UMKM, and Naker, is holding a cooperative management health training, especially for RW cooperative managers. “According to the development priority program for the City of Kediri, the mayor is targeting 1 RW to have 1 healthy cooperative. So we held this training, “said Bagus Alit, Plt. Head of the Kediri City Cooperative Office, at the Cooperative Assessment Training for RWs in Kediri City, at the Kediri City Cooperatives and UMTK Office (6/11/20).
The training was attended by 75 people. In order to avoid crowds during the pandemic, the training was divided into 3 batches of 25 people each. Class I on 19-21 October 2020, batch II on 22-24 October 2020, and batch III on 4-6 November 2020.
According to Bagus, this training is to provide understanding and technical skills to administrators in health assessments of their respective cooperatives. In 2021, it is planned that the Kediri City Government will provide grants originating from the APBD through Prodamas Plus to healthy RW cooperatives. “This training is one of the provisions for the administrators to independently assess the health of their respective cooperatives,” he said.
Meanwhile, Satria Sani, Head of Management Organization and Cooperative Business of Kediri City, explained that based on the data, about 75 percent of the 570 cooperative units in Kediri City, especially RW cooperatives, have not conducted a health assessment. Meanwhile, Dinkop technical personnel are limited in number to reach all cooperative units. “Armed with this training, each committee can carry out an independent assessment and then submit it to the Kediri City Cooperative Office for verification and certification,” said Satria.
Health assessment, continued Satria, is in accordance with the provisions of cooperatives, namely capital, quality of productive assets, management, efficiency, liquidity, independence and growth, and the identity of the cooperative. (bad)
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