KEDIRI –Andri Ibo, bek Persik Kediri, dinyatakan positif terpapar covid-19 dan kini sedang menjalani perawatan di RS Kilisuci. Presiden Klub Persik Kediri Abdul Hakim Bafagih, dalam prees releasenya mengatakan, sebelum datang di Kediri, Ibo sudah melakukan rapid test dengan hasil reaktif. Untuk memastikan kondisinya, klub melakukan tindakan dengan swab test. “Dari hasil tes swab yang dikeluarkan pada 31 Agustus, Ibo terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19,” ungkap Hakim.
Setelah dinyatakan positif, Ibo segera diisolasi di rumah sakit. Meski demikian, secara umum kondisi Ibo dinyatakan sehat. “Tidak ada gejala-gejala Covid-19 yang menganggu kesehatannya. Kondisinya sangat baik. Tapi, kami harus tetap melakukan karantina sampai hasil tesnya nanti negatif,” kata Hakim.
Paska ditemukannya Ibo terpapar covid-19, sejumlah pemain Persik yang sempat kontak langsung dengan Ibo, segera dilakukan tracing. “Hasil tesnya negatif. Tidak ada pemain Persik yang tertular atau sakit,” ucapnya.
Hakim berharap, tes kedua nanti hasilnya baik. Sehingga, Ibo bisa kembali bergabung dan berlatih lagi bersama rekan-rekannya. “Kami tahu, Ibo kuat. Kami doakan dia segera pulih dan berlatih kembali,” harapnya.(bad)
Persik Player Exposed to Corona
KEDIRI – Andri Ibo, defender of Persik Kediri, tested positive for covid-19 and is currently undergoing treatment at Kilisuci Hospital. President of the Kediri Persik Club Abdul Hakim Bafagih, in his pre-release release, said that before coming to Kediri, Ibo had carried out a rapid test with reactive results. To confirm his condition, the club took action with a swab test. “From the results of the swab test issued on August 31, Ibo was confirmed positive for Covid-19,” said Hakim.
After testing positive, Ibo was immediately isolated in hospital. However, in general, Ibo’s condition was declared healthy. “There are no Covid-19 symptoms to interfere with his health. His condition is very good. But, we have to keep doing quarantine until the test results are negative, ”said Hakim.
After Ibo was found exposed to Covid-19, a number of Persik players who had direct contact with Ibo, immediately carried out tracing. “The test results are negative. “No Persik players have been infected or sick,” he said.
The judge hopes that the second test will turn out well. So, Ibo can come back and train again with his colleagues. “We know, Ibo is strong. We pray for him to recover soon and train again, “he hoped. (Bad)
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