KEDIRI – Paguyuban Kepala Desa (PKD) di Kabupaten Kediri, meminta agar Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito menggandeng salah satu kepala desa untuk dijadikan calon Wakil Bupati Kediri. Persoalan siapa yang dipilih, yang dinilai cocok dan bisa kerjasama, semuanya diserahkan ke Dhito. “Kita meminta Mas Dhito mau menggandeng salah satu dari kepala desa yang ada, untuk menjadi calon wakil Bupati,”ujar Abdul Hamid, salah satu pengurus PKD, saat pertemuan di salah satu rumah makan di kawasan Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG), malam hari (7/3/2020).
Jika Dhito menggandeng salah satu kepala desa sebagai wakil, lanjut Hamid, insya Allah seluruh kepala desa di Kabupaten Kediri akan kompak untuk mendukung Dhito. Sebab, para kepala desa menginginkan sinergitas yang harmonis antara kepala desa dengan kepala daerah. “Insya Allah semua kepala desa akan kompak mendukung all out,”tandasnya.
Mendengar permintaan itu, Dhito mengatakan bahwa persoalan wakil dia tidak bisa menentukan sendiri. Sudah banyak masukan terkait dengan calon wakilnya. Tetapi belum diputuskan. Karena harus dibicarakan dengan seluruh partai pendukung dan dimusyawarahkan. “Saya belum berani memutuskan. Tetapi masukan ini kita tampung. Saya tidak bisa memutuskan sendiri,”ujar Dhito.
Di depan Dhito, para kepala desa itu secara bergantian menyampaikan sejumlah persoalan yang selama ini mereka hadapi, termasuk masalah pengisian perangkat, komunikasi dengan kepala daerah yang kurang tersalurkan, persoalan perijinan dan sebagainya. Berkaitan dengan persoalan itu, secara bergantian para kepala desa itu meminta agar Dhito bersedia menggandeng salah satu kepala desa sebagai calon wakilnya.
Ditemui usai pertemuan, ketua PKD Johansyah mengatakan pihaknya tidak akan menunjuk siapa calon wakil yang diajukan ke Dhito. Tetapi Dhito dipersilakan untuk menunjuk sendiri siapa wakil dari kepala desa yang dia cocok. “Silahkan pilih sendiri siapa yang dicocoki. Kalau wakil dari Kades, kita akan kompak se-Kabupaten Kediri,”tandasnya.
Sementara itu, Dhito, saat ditemui menjelaskan soal siapa wakilnya memang belum diputuskan. Saat ditanya isu bahwa dia akan mengambil wakil dari kalangan hijau atau organisasi keagamaan seperti NU, Dhito masih mengelak. “Belum. Belum ada pembicaraan sampai ke sana,”katanya. (mam)
Village Head Association ‘Request Ration’ Representative to Dhito
KEDIRI – The Village Head’s Association (PKD) in Kediri Regency, requested that Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito take one of the village heads to become a candidate for Deputy Regent of Kediri. The issue of who is chosen, who is considered suitable and able to cooperate, everything is left to Dhito. “We ask that Mas Dhito want to hold one of the existing village heads, to become a candidate for Deputy Regent,” said Abdul Hamid, one of the PKD administrators, during a meeting at one of the restaurants in the Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG) area, at night ( 3/7/2020).
If Dhito cooperates with one of the village heads as a representative, Hamid continued, God willing, all village heads in Kediri Regency will be united to support Dhito. Because, village heads want a harmonious synergy between the village head and the regional head. “God willing, all village heads will compact to support all out,” he said.
Hearing that request, Dhito said that his representative’s problem could not be determined by himself. There have been many inputs related to the candidate representative. But it hasn’t been decided yet. Because it must be discussed with all supporting parties and deliberated. “I don’t dare to decide. But we can accommodate this input. I can’t decide for myself, “Dhito said.
In front of Dhito, the village heads took turns conveying a number of problems that they had been facing, including the problem of charging devices, communication with the regional head that was not channeled, licensing issues and so on. In connection with this issue, the village heads alternately asked that Dhito be willing to hold one of the village heads as his nominee.
Encountered by after the meeting, PKD chairman Johansyah said that his party would not appoint who the nominees nominated to Dhito. But Dhito was invited to appoint for himself who the representative of the village head that he was suitable for. “Please choose who you match. “If the representative is from the village head, we will be united in the whole of Kediri Regency,” he said.
Meanwhile, Dhito, when met explaining about the matter of who his representatives had not been decided. When asked the issue that he would take representatives from the green or religious organizations such as NU, Dhito was still evasive. “Not yet. There has been no discussion to get there, “he said. (mam)
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