KEDIRI – Kasus positif massal di salah satu pabrik rokok di Tulungagung, yang sebagian merupakan warga Kabupaten Kediri, ditindaklanjuti dengan cepat oleh tim Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19. Mereka segera melakulan penjemputan terhadap warga Kabupaten Kediri yang masuk dalam status ODP yang semula berada di rusunawa IAIN Tulungagung. “Mereka diminta melakukan isolasi di desa masing-masing, sambil menunggu hasil swab test,”ujar Windoko, Komandan URC BPBD Kabupaten Kediri.
Windoko menjelaskan, orang ODP ini adalah warga Desa Silir Kecamatan Wates, warga Desa Banjarejo Kecamatan Ngadiluwih, warga Desa Sidomulyo dan warga Desa Kedak Kecamatan Semen.
Warga Desa Silir dan Desa Banjarejo dijemput dengan kendaraan PKM Wonorejo dan diantar langsung ke rumah masing-masing. Sedangkan warga Desa Sidomulyo dan Desa Kedak dijemput oleh kendaraan PKM Semen dan diantar ke tempat isolasi mandiri yang disediakan pemerintah desa masing-masing.
Sebelumnya ada 17 karyawan salah satu pabrik rokok di Kabupaten Tulungagung yang mengikuti rapid test dan dinyatakan reaktif Covid-19. Dari 17 karyawan tersebut, sebagian di antaranya adalah warga Kabupaten Kediri. (mam)
Cigarette Factory Cluster ODP Picked Up by Cluster Team
KEDIRI – A positive mass case in one of the cigarette factories in Tulungagung, which is partly a resident of Kediri District, was followed up quickly by the Task Force for the Covid-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force. They immediately picked up the residents of Kediri Regency who entered the ODP status, which were originally located in the Tulungagung IAIN flat. “They were asked to conduct isolation in their respective villages, while waiting for the results of the swab test,” said Windoko, Commander of the URC BPBD of Kediri Regency.
Windoko explained, this ODP person was a resident of Silir Village, Wates Subdistrict, Banjarejo Village resident Ngadiluwih Subdistrict, Sidomulyo Village resident and Kedak Village resident Semen District.
Residents of Silir Village and Banjarejo Village were picked up by Wonorejo PKM vehicles and delivered directly to their homes. While the residents of Sidomulyo Village and Kedak Village were picked up by a PKM Semen vehicle and taken to an independent isolation place provided by their respective village governments.
Previously there were 17 employees of one cigarette factory in Tulungagung Regency who took a rapid test and were declared reactive Covid-19. Of the 17 employees, some of them are residents of Kediri Regency. (mam)
Penyakit virus corona (COVID-19)
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