KEDIRI – Indikasi hampir pastinya calon tunggal vs bumbung kosong di Pilkada Kediri, mulai dipertanyakan sebagian masyarakat yang mengatasnamakan Rakyat Penegak Demokrasi Bimasakti (RPDB). Mereka mendatangi kantor KPU Kabupaten Kediri untuk mempertanyakan hak – hak bumbung kosong, antara lain hak kampanye, hak sosialisasi, hak ada saksi di TPS, dan sebagainya. Sebab, sejauh ini mereka masih melihat ada aturan khusus terkait bumbung kosong. Mereka juga mengkhawatirkan KPU akan berat sebelah saat Pilkada mendatang.
Khoirul Anam, salah satu anggota RPDB mengatakan, mereka berkeyakinan Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri calon tunggal walaupun masih ada perpanjangan masa pendaftaran di KPU. Masyarakat akan dihadapkan dengan dua pilihan, yaitu memilih calon atau bumbung kosong.
“Kami menanyakan bumbung kosong itu apakah memiliki hak yang sama dengan calon, apakah masyarakat pendukung kotak kosong bisa menjalankah haknya sebagaimana calon yang lain, misalnya kampanye, sosialasi, minta saksi di TPS, dan lain-lain, “ujar Anam
Hal serupa diungkapkan Karim, anggota RPDP yang lain. Menurut Karim, Indonesia merupakan negara hukum, segala tata kelola kehidupan termasuk penyelenggaraan Pemilu diatur. Namun bumbung kosong tidak ada aturannya yang rinci. Kalau memang tidak ada aturannya, seharusnya KPU mengeluarkan surat edaran baru terkait tata kelola kampanye bumbung kosong itu. “Setelah ini kita akan merumuskan dan memberikan tanggapan terkait hasil pertemuan dengan KPU ini. Kami akan menyusun jadwal dan apa saja haknya bumbung kosong, seandainya memang calon tunggal,”tegasnya.
Sementara itu, Ketua KPU Kabupaten Kediri Ninik Sunarmi mengatakan, sampai saat ini belum ada regulasi yang mengatur kotak kosong. KPU tidak boleh melarang dan menganjurkan kampanye maupun sosialisasi. Sedangkan untuk calon tunggal sudah diatur di PKPU 14 2015 dan PKPU 13 2018. “Terkait dengan kampanye, sosialisai, saksi di TPS untuk kotak kosong apakah di perbolehkan? Di peraturan kami belum diatur. Jadi kami tidak boleh melarang dan atau memperbolehkan, “kata Ninik. (sul/mam)
Ask for Empty Box Rights, Geruduk KPU
KEDIRI – Indications are almost certain that a single candidate vs an empty box in the Kediri Regional Head Election has begun to be questioned by some people acting on behalf of the Bimasakti Democracy Enforcing People (RPDB). They came to the KPU office of Kediri Regency to question the rights of the empty box, including campaign rights, socialization rights, the right to have witnesses at the TPS, and so on. Because, so far they still see that there are special rules related to empty bumbung. They are also worried that the KPU will be lopsided during the upcoming Pilkada.
Khoirul Anam, a member of the RPDB said they believed that the Kediri Regency Pilkada was a single candidate even though there was still an extension of the registration period at the KPU. The public will be faced with two choices, namely choosing a candidate or an empty bumbung.
“We asked the empty bumbung whether they have the same rights as the candidates, whether the people who support empty boxes can exercise their rights as other candidates, for example campaigns, socialization, asking for witnesses at the TPS, and so on,” said Anam.
The same thing was expressed by Karim, another RPDP member. According to Karim, Indonesia is a constitutional state, where all life governance including the holding of elections is regulated. However, the empty box has no detailed rules. If there were no rules, the KPU should have issued a new circular regarding the management of the empty bumbung campaign. “After this we will formulate and provide responses regarding the results of this meeting with the KPU. We will arrange a schedule and what are the rights of an empty box, if it is indeed a single candidate, “he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of KPU of Kediri Regency, Ninik Sunarmi, said that until now there is no regulation that regulates empty boxes. The KPU must not prohibit and recommend campaigns or outreach. As for single candidates, it has been regulated in PKPU 14 2015 and PKPU 13 2018. “Regarding campaigns, socialization, witnesses at the TPS for empty boxes are allowed? Our regulations have not been regulated. So we may not prohibit or allow,” said Ninik. . (sul / mam)
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