dr. Syamsul Ashar Sakit, Tahanan Kota
KEDIRI – Kasus dugaan korupsi Jembatan Brawijaya, masih berlanjut. Mantan Walikota Kediri, dr. Syamsul Ashar, menjadi tersangka dalam kasus dugaan korupsi Jembatan Brawijaya itu dan dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Kota Kediri, Rabu (17/3/2021), dari Polda Jatim. Selain itu, A Yong, kontraktor pembangunan Brawijaya, juga ikut dilimpahkan bersama dr Syamsul. “Ini pelimpahan tahap 2, dari Polda ke Kejati, dari Kejati ke Kejaksaan Kota Kediri,”ujar Nurngali, Kasi Pidsus Kejari Kota Kediri, ditemui di sela-sela pelimpahan.
Nurngali, menjelaskan, dua tersangka yaitu dr. Syamsul Ashar dan A Yong, tidak menjalani tahanan kurungan, tetapi menjadi tahanan Kota. Karena kondisi keduanya sedang sakit. Selain itu, sejak kasusnya ditangani Polda Jatim, dua tersangka itu juga tidak ditahan dan mereka tetap kooperatif. “Tahanan kota. Karena sakit. Sejak di Polda juga tidak ditahan,”tandas Nurngali.
Proses pelimpahan berkas bersama dua tersangka atau pelimpahan tahap 2 iti, dilakukan mulai sekitar jam 09.00 hingga sore. Karena berkas yang harus diperiksa, data administratif, dan sebagainya, sangat banyak sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mengecek bersama-sama antara petugas Polda Jatim, Kejati Jatim, dan Kejari Kota Kediri..
Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, dr. Syamsul Ashar sendiri dalam kondisi sakit-sakitan. Dia menderita sakit kanker usus, sehingga badannya kini sangat kecil. Juga harus menjalani kemoterapi satu minggu sekali. Di sela-sela pemeriksaan berkas itu, dr. Syamsul juga sempat harus pergi ke RS untuk mendapatkan infus, karena badannya lemas.
Sementara itu, Eko Budiono SH, Penasehat Hukum dr. Syamsul Ashar, menjelaskan kliennya diduga oleh pemeriksa kejaksaan menggunakan uang senilai Rp 1 miliar lebih dari proyek Jembatan Brawijaya itu. Namun, kliennya mengaku merasa sama sekali tidak menggunakan uang dari proyek itu. “Klien saya disangka menggunakan uang Rp 1 miliar lebih. Tapi klien kami merasa tidak menggunakan,”tandas Eko.
Seperti diberitakan, Jembatan Brawijaya Kota Kediri yang dibangun tahun 2011 lalu, pada masa Wali Kota Kediri Syamsul Ashar, sempat diperiksa polisi karena diduga ada korupsi. Pembangunan jembatan itu sempat mangkrak beberapa tahun di masa Wali Kota Abu Bakar dan baru diselesaikan pada 2019, di masa Wali Kota Abu Bakar periode ke-2. Dengan demikian, proses pembangunan Jembatan Brawijaya itu mencapai 8 tahun. Selain itu, kasus jembatan Brawijaya ini oleh sebgian masyarakat sering dihubung-hubungkan antara kasus korupsi dengan politik. (mam)
Former Mayor, Delegated to the Prosecutor’s Office
dr. Syamsul Ashar Sick, City Prisoner
KEDIRI – The alleged corruption case of the Brawijaya Bridge is still ongoing. The former Mayor of Kediri, dr. Syamsul Ashar, became a suspect in the suspected corruption case of the Brawijaya Bridge and was transferred to the Kediri City District Attorney (Kejari), Wednesday (17/3/2021), from the East Java Regional Police. In addition, A Yong, the Brawijaya construction contractor, was also delegated with Dr. Syamsul. “This is the second handover, from the Regional Police to the Prosecutor’s Office, from the Attorney General’s Office to the Kediri City Prosecutor’s Office,” said Nurngali, Kasi Pidsus Kejari for Kediri City, when met on the sidelines of the delegation.
Nurngali, the two suspects, dr. Syamsul Ashar and A Yong, were not detained by the agency, but became city detainees. Because both conditions are sick. In addition, since the case was handled by the East Java Regional Police, the two suspects were not detained either. The two of them remain cooperative. “City prisoner. Because it hurts. Since he was at Polda he was not detained either, “said Nurngali.
The process of transferring files with the suspects or stage 2 of the handover was carried out from around 9:00 a.m. to the afternoon. Because there are so many files to check, administrative data, and so on that take a long time.
Information collected by kediripost, dr. Syamsul Ashar himself was in a sickly condition. He suffered from colon cancer, so his body is very small now. Also have to undergo chemotherapy once a week. During the examination of the files, dr. Syamsul also had to go to the hospital to get an IV, because his body was weak.
Meanwhile, Eko Budiono SH, Legal Advisor, dr. Syamsul Ashar, explained that his client was suspected by the prosecutor’s investigator of using more than Rp 1 billion from the Brawijaya Bridge project. However, his client admitted that he did not use the money from the project at all. “My client is suspected of using more than Rp 1 billion. But our clients feel they are not using it, ”said Eko.
As reported, the Kediri City Brawijaya Bridge, which was built in 2011, during the time of the Mayor of Kediri Syamsul Ashar, was questioned by the police because it was suspected of corruption. The construction of the bridge had stalled for several years during the era of Mayor Abu Bakr and was only completed in 2019, during the 2nd term of Mayor Abu Bakr. Thus, the construction process of the Brawijaya Bridge will take 8 years. (mam)
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