KEDIRI – Kasus BPR Kota Kediri yang kini sedang diperiksa oleh Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Kediri, memunculkan perbedaan pendapat di kalangan praktisi hukum. Dalam pandangan Eko Budiono SH dari Nusantara Law Firm, kredit di perbankan pada prinsipnya adalah utang piutang yang bersifat perdata. Sementara bagi Samsul Arifin SH, kasus kredit di BPR Kota bisa masuk pidana, karena ada pasal 55 KUHP. Hanya, apakah dua tersangka, Indra (AO) dan Ida Riyani (debitur) sebagai pelaku atau turut serta, perlu melihat fakta persidangan. “Keterlibatan orang dalam perlu lebih didalami,”ujar Samsul Arifin.
Jika padal 55 terpenuhi, lanjut Arifin, maka hampir bisa dipastikan dua tersangka yaitu Indra dan Ida, hanya sebagai sebagai turut serta, bukan pelaku utama. “Tinggal bagaimana kejaksaan menentukan pelaku utamanya,”tandas Arifin.
Sedangkan Eko Budiono, menjelaskan pengucuran kredit di perbankan sering tidak hanya berpatokan pada jaminan yang diserahkan, tetapi juga kepercayaan bank pada calon debitur. Proses pencairan kredit juga panjang, ada survey lapangan, keyakinan bank bahwa calon debitur secara normal mampu membayar angsuran, dan sebagainya. “Untuk mengucurkan kredit, kepercayaan bank jauh lebih besar pengaruhnya dibanding nilai jaminan. Kalau terjadi kredit macet, jaminan bisa disita. Tidak mungkin, AO bisa mencairkan kredit sendiri dan tidak mungkin debitur bisa mendapat kredit kalau tidak ada kepercayaan bank,”tandas Eko Budiono.
Salah seorang keluarga Ida Riyani yang ditemui Kediripost di kantor Kejari, menjelang penahanannya, sempat menjelaskan bahwa Ida sudah pernah mengangsur, yaitu pada bulan ke-4 usai kredit cair. Hanya, dia tidak mengetahui berapa jumlahnya. “Dititipkan ke orang yang menagih,”katanya.
Sementara itu, Rini Puspitasari SH, penasehat hukum (PH) Ida Riyani menjelaskan kliennya sudah pernah menyicil Rp 5 juta ke BPR Kota Kediri pada 18 Januari 2021, sebelum ditahan (19/1/21). Saat ditanya soal kabar bahwa Ida sudah pernah membayar cicilan ke BPR Kota melalui orang yang menagih ke rumahnya, sekitar bulan ke empat usai pencairan kredit, Rini membenarkan adanya pengakuan tersangka Ida Riyani ke dirinya. “Tetapi itu tidak ada bukti kuitansinya,”jelas Rini. (mam)
Bad Credit, Criminal or Civil?
KEDIRI – The case of BPR Kota Kediri which is currently being investigated by the Kediri District Attorney (Kejari), has led to differences of opinion among legal practitioners. In the view of Eko Budiono SH from Nusantara Law Firm, credit in banking is in principle civil debt. Meanwhile, for Samsul Arifin SH, a credit case at a City BPR can be criminalized, because there is article 55 of the Criminal Code. However, whether the two suspects, Indra (AO) and Ida Riyani (debtor) as perpetrators or participating, need to look at the facts of the trial. “Insider involvement needs to be further explored,” said Samsul Arifin.
If padal 55 is fulfilled, continued Arifin, then it is almost certain that the two suspects, Indra and Ida, will only participate, not the main perpetrators. “It remains how the prosecutor determines the main perpetrator,” said Arifin.
Meanwhile, Eko Budiono, explained that credit disbursement in banks is often not only based on the collateral submitted, but also the bank’s trust in prospective debtors. The credit disbursement process is also long, there is a field survey, the bank’s belief that prospective borrowers are normally able to pay installments, and so on. “To disburse credit, bank trust has a much bigger influence than the value of the guarantee. If bad credit occurs, collateral can be confiscated. It is impossible, AO can disburse credit itself and it is impossible for debtors to get credit if there is no bank trust, “said Eko Budiono.
One of Ida Riyani’s family whom the Kediripost met at the Kejari office, before his detention, had explained that Ida had already paid in installments, namely in the 4th month after the credit was disbursed. Only, he didn’t know how many there were. “It is entrusted to the person who collects it,” he said.
Meanwhile, Rini Puspitasari SH, legal advisor (PH) Ida Riyani, explained that her client had paid Rp 5 million in installments to the BPR Kota Kediri on January 18, 2021, before being detained (19/1/21). When asked about the news that Ida had already paid installments to the City BPR through a person who billed at her house, around the fourth month after the loan was disbursed, Rini confirmed that suspect Ida Riyani had confessed to her. “But there is no proof of receipt,” said Rini. (mam)
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