Di Plosoklaten, Pembagian GNOTA Berjubel
KEDIRI – Perkantoran pemerintah di bawah naungan Pemkab Kediri yang dilockdown terus bertambah. Setelah kantor DPRD dan Kantor Bagian Adm. Pembangunan, Kantor Camat Kepung mulai Rabu, (18/11/20) juga dilockdown, karena Camat dan dua stafnya dikabarkan positif covid-19. Camat Kepung, merupakan salah satu camat yang dikabarkan positif covid-19.
Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, Camat Kepung diketahui positif covid 19 setelah swab massal di pejabat Pemkab Kediri. Setelah diketahui positif, sejumlah staf lain di Kecamatan Kepung akhirnya juga diswab. Hasilnya, ada dua staf yang dikabarkan positif. “Pak Camat (Kepung,red) sakit,”ujar salah seorang staf.
Untuk pelayanan public, di kecamatan itu masih berjalan dengan system piket. Ada 2 atau 3 orang yang piket jika ada masyarakat yang membutuhkan layanan. Sedangkan ruangan-ruangan yang lain, semua tertutup. Begitu juga dengan kantor Panwascam yang satu kompleks dengan kantor Camat, juga terlihat tutup. “Untuk layanan dibuat piket. Nanti sekitar jam 11 atau 12 ya pulang,”ujar salah satu staf di Kecamatan Kepung.
Berbeda dengan Kepung, di kantor Kecamatan Plosoklaten malah mengumpulkan massa untuk pembagian GNOTA. Pada kursi antrian, sama sekali tidak terlihat kursi yang sengaja diberi jarak. Sehingga antrian berjubelan. Tidak ada petugas yang secara mengatur jaga jarak atau cuci tangan bagi warga. Hanya peringatan untuk selalu memakai masker.
Sedang di Kecamatan Plemahan, layanan masih berjalan. Tetapi para stafnya diminta melakukan rapid tes dan swab. Para staf di Kecamatan Plemahan umumnya belum mengetahui kepastian apakah isu Camat Plemahan positif covid benar atau tidak. Karena tidak ada pengumuman. Hanya, para staf kecamatan diminta melakukan tes di Puskesmas. “Kepastiannya tanya Puskesmas saja. Saya sendiri juga disuruh tes,”kata staf itu.
Sementara itu, juru bicara Gugus Covid-19 Ahmad Khotib menjelaskan terkait lockdown di kantor Kecamatan Kepung karena masih dalam proses tracing. Sedangkan di Kecamatan Plosoklaten, sudah selesai tracing dan semuanya dinyatakan negative. (mam)
Kepung Office Sub District Lockdown
In Plosoklaten, the GNOTA Ompller Amazed
KEDIRI – The number of government offices under the auspices of the Kediri Regency Government is being locked down. After the DPRD office and the Adm. Construction, the Kepung sub-district office began on Wednesday (11/18/20) as well, because the Camat and two of his staff were reported to have tested positive for Covid-19. Head of Kepung Sub-District, is one of the sub-district heads who was reportedly positive for Covid-19.
The information collected by the Kediripost, the Head of Kepung Sub-District, is known to be positive for Covid 19 after the mass swab at Kediri Regency Government officials. After it was found out positive, a number of other staff in Kepung Subdistrict were finally diswab. As a result, there were two staff who reported positive. “Pak Camat (Kepung, red) is sick,” said one of the staff.
For public services, the sub-district is still running with a picket system. There are 2 or 3 people who picket if there are people who need services. As for the other rooms, all were closed. Likewise, the Panwascam office, which is in the same complex as the sub-district office, also looks closed. “Pickets are made for services. We’ll go home around 11 or 12, ”said one of the staff in Kepung District.
In contrast to Kepung, the Plosoklaten District office even gathered a crowd to distribute GNOTA. On the queue seats, there were no seats that were deliberately spaced. So that the queue was crowded. There are no officers who regulate distance or wash hands for residents. Just a warning to always wear a mask.
While in Plemahan Subdistrict, services are still running. But the staff was asked to do a rapid test and swab. Generally, the staff in the Plemahan Subdistrict do not know for sure whether the issue of the Head of Plemahan is positive for Covid or not. Because there are no announcements. Only, sub-district staff are asked to do the test at the Puskesmas. “Just ask the Puskesmas for certainty. I myself was also ordered to test, “said the staff.
Meanwhile, spokesman for the Covid-19 Group, Ahmad Khotib, explained that the lockdown at the Kepung District office was still in the process of tracing. Meanwhile, in Plosoklaten District, tracing had been completed and everything was negative. (mam)
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