GG Enduro Sapu Bersih Kejuaraan IERC 2020

KEDIRI – Gudang Garam Enduro Team (GGET) merajai kompetisi nasional Duracore Indonesia Enduro Rally Championship (IERC) 2020. Hal ini semakin memantapkan posisi GGET sebagai jawara kompetisi offroad nasional. Tim Gudang Garam tampil dominan sejak hari pertama Duracore Indonesia Enduro Rally Championship, yang digelar 20 – 22 November 2020. Dalam kompetisi ini, GGET menurunkan 4 tim yang terdiri dari 12 pebalap.

IERC 2020 memberi tantangan luar biasa kepada para rider (pebalap) yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri. Mengambil start dari Gunung Kelud menuju Bromo-Arjuno Malang, kompetisi ini benar-benar menguji ketahanan para rider selama tiga hari berturut-turut.

Keganasan trek yang menyusuri kawasan hutan dan gunung, menjadi tantangan para rider. Selain guyuran hujan yang membuat lintasan licin dan berat, tak ada rute khusus yang disediakan panitia. Para rider harus membaca GPS yang terpasang di setang kemudi agar tak keluar jalur. Beratnya medan yang harus diselesaikan tak pelak mengandaskan 50 persen pebalap sejak hari pertama. Mereka keluar trek dan tersesat, mampu menyelesaikan lintasan buta.

Untuk kesekian kalinya tim Gudang Garam menunjukkan kelasnya. Tiga posisi puncak didominasi pebalap Gudang Garam dan mengantarkannya menjadi Juara Umum. Selain itu, pebalap Adies, dari tim Gudang Garam, berhasil memecahkan rekor Hole in Track dengan waktu 2 jam 52 menit. Atas prestasi ini, Adies berhak membawa pulang motor special engine dari Duracore.

Owner GGET, Slamet Budiono alias Mbah Met, mengapresiasi kerja keras timnya yang menyelesaikan etape berat ini. Meski baru pertama kali mengikuti IERC, GGET mampu menyapu bersih podium juara di kompetisi nasional ini. “Ini kompetisi yang berat dan panjang. Hujan deras dan etape panjang selama tiga hari mampu diselesaikan dengan hasil terbaik,” kata Mbah Met.

Sementara itu, Ketua Pelaksana IERC 2020 Edi Kampang angkat topi atas kemampuan pebalap Gudang Garam. Tingkat kesulitan yang dihadapi pebalap di kompetisi ini jauh lebih besar dibanding  event sebelumnya. “Tahun ini jalur IERC jauh lebih menantang. Sekitar tiga kali lipat dibanding tahun lalu,” katanya.

Selain medan yang mencekam, para pebalap tak mengetahui rute yang akan ditempuh di tengah hutan. Satu-satunya petunjuk adalah GPS (global positioning system). Sehingga, selain keahlian menguasai kemudi, kemampuan membaca GPS turut menentukan kompetisi ini. Peserta yang keluar jalur atau trek dipastikan tereliminasi dan tak bisa melanjutkan balapan.

Karena itu Edi Kampang mengapresiasi hasil yang diraih tim Gudang Garam yang menyabet gelar Team Class & Overal Class dan menjadi The Best Team di gelaran IERC 2020. Serta menyingkirkan 50 tim dan 50 pebalap perorangan dari dalam dan luar negeri. (bad)

GG Enduro Get All 2020 IERC Winner 

KEDIRI – Gudang Garam Enduro Team (GGET) dominates the 2020 Duracore Indonesia Enduro Rally Championship (IERC) national competition. This has further solidified GGET’s position as the champion of national offroad competitions. The Gudang Garam team has been dominant since the first day of the Duracore Indonesia Enduro Rally Championship, which will be held on 20-22 November 2020. In this competition, GGET fielded 4 teams consisting of 12 riders.
IERC 2020 provides extraordinary challenges for riders (riders) who come from at home and abroad. Taking the start from Mount Kelud towards Bromo-Arjuno Malang, this competition really tested the riders’ endurance for three consecutive days.
The ferocity of the tracks along the forest and mountain areas is a challenge for riders. Apart from the rain that made the track slippery and heavy, there was no special route provided by the committee. The riders must read the GPS installed on the steering handlebars so they don’t get out of line. The heavy terrain that must be completed inevitably frustrates 50 percent of the riders from the first day. They get off the track and get lost, able to complete the blind track.
For the umpteenth time, the Gudang Garam team showed its class. The top three positions were dominated by Gudang Garam riders and led him to become the General Champion. In addition, the Adies racer, from the Gudang Garam team, managed to break the Hole in Track record with a time of 2 hours 52 minutes. For this achievement, Adies has the right to bring home a special engine motorbike from Duracore.
The owner of GGET, Slamet Budiono alias Mbah Met, appreciates the hard work of his team in completing this tough stage. Even though it was the first time participating in IERC, GGET was able to clear the championship podium in this national competition. “This is a tough and long competition. Heavy rain and a long stage for three days were able to be resolved with the best results, ”said Mbah Met.
Meanwhile, IERC 2020 Chief Executive Edi Kampang took his hat off for the ability of the Gudang Garam racer. The level of difficulty faced by the riders in this competition is much greater than the previous event. “This year the IERC path is much more challenging. About three times as much as last year, “he said.
Apart from the tense terrain, the riders do not know the route to be taken in the middle of the forest. The only clue is GPS (global positioning system). So, apart from the skills to master the steering wheel, the ability to read GPS also determines this competition. Participants who leave the track or track will be eliminated and cannot continue racing.
Therefore, Edi Kampang appreciates the results achieved by the Gudang Garam team which won the Team Class & Overal Class title and became The Best Team at the IERC 2020 event. As well as eliminating 50 teams and 50 individual racers from home and abroad. (bad)

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