KEDIRI – Meski Pemkot Kediri telah menganggarkan dana Rp 20,3 miliar untuk penanganan Covid-19 atau Corona, tetapi seluruh kebutuhan operasional berkaitan dengan pencegahan Corona, sejauh ini masih utang ke rekanan. Sebab, dana belum cair. “ Masih belum ada realisasi pembayaran, kemarin masih tahap pemesanan, terus pengiriman barang, terus pembuatan SPJ, terus pencairan dan pelaporan,”ujar dr. Fauzan Adhima, juru bicara pencegahan Covid-19 Kota Kediri.
Fauzan menjelaskan, dana Rp 20,3 miliar untuk penanganan Covid-19 menggunakan dana cukai Rp 15.3 miliar dan Rp 5 miliar Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) non fisik, yaitu Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) di Puskesmas – Puskesmas. Sedangkan yang Rp 15,3 miliar, anggaran perencanaannya untuk membeli APD, masker, desinfektan, bahan sosialisasi seperti banner, baliho, alat kesehatan, dan untuk ruang isolasi. “Kita sudah membeli beli APD, sudah ada di Gambiran dan sudah dipakai, tapi sampai sekarang ya belum membayar, karena belum ada realisasi. Saat ini masih proses pembuatan SPJ,”ujar Fauzan.
Menurut Fauzan, Renovasi Ruang isolasi di RS Gambiran juga sudah selesai dikerjakan, tapi sampai sekarang juga belum ada pembayaran ke rekanan. “Rekanan masih proses pembuatan dokumen kontrak,”tambahnya. (mam)
Corona Prevention Still Partner’s Debt
KEDIRI – Although Kediri City Government has budgeted funds of Rp. 20.3 billion for handling Covid-19 or Corona, but all operational needs are related to Corona prevention, so far there is still debt to partners. Because the funds have not been disbursed. “There is still no payment realization, yesterday it was still in the ordering stage, continued shipping goods, continued manufacturing SPJ, continued disbursement and reporting,” said dr. Fauzan Adhima, spokesperson for the prevention of Covid-19 Kediri City.
Fauzan explained that the Rp. 20.3 billion fund for handling Covid-19 used Rp. 15.3 billion in excise funds and Rp. 5 billion in non-physical Special Allocation Funds (DOK), namely Health Operational Assistance (BOK) in Puskesmas – Puskesmas. While the Rp 15.3 billion, the planning budget is to buy PPE, masks, disinfectants, socialization materials such as banners, billboards, medical devices, and for isolation rooms. “We have already bought and bought PPE, it has been in Gambiran and it has been used, but until now it has not been paid, because there has been no realization. Currently the process of making SPJ, “said Fauzan.
According to Fauzan, the isolation room renovation at Gambiran Hospital has also been completed, but until now there has also been no payment to partners. “Partners are still in the process of making contract documents,” he added. (mam)
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