Cegah Klaster Baru,  Deklarasi Jaga Pemilu

KEDIRI – Menjelang bergulirnya kampanye Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri,  Jumat (25/9/20) Bawaslu menggelar deklarasi jaga pemilu sehat dan jurdil. Selain itu, juga ada penandatangan pakta integritas untuk tidak melakukan money politic.

Sa’idatul Umah, Ketua Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri mengatakan, deklarasi ini merupakan titik tekan untuk semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dalam proses Pilkada. “Standar protokol covid merupakan hal yang paling urjen, selain setiap tahapanan berjalan,”ujarnya.

Menurut Sa’idatul,  deklarasi ini wujud kepedulian Bawaslu terhadap masyarakat bahwa mereka memiliki dua hak yang sama, hak kedaulatan demokrasi pada saat ini sedang berjalan dan hak keselamatan rakyat. “Di masa pandemic, mereka harus memikirkan keselamatan dirinya,”ungkapnya.

Sementara itu,  Hanindhito Himawan Pramana di konfrimasi seusai acara mengatakan, siap mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku dalam tahapan Pilkada 2020 terkait kepatuhan protokol covid-19. “Menjaga protokol kesehatan dan asas Pemilu adalah komitmen yang harus dijaga setiap pasangan calon, penyelenggara, partai pengusung maupun pendukung. (sul/mam)


Prevent New Clusters, Declaration Keeping Elections

KEDIRI – Towards the launch of the Kediri Regency Pilkada campaign, Friday (25/9/20) Bawaslu held a declaration to keep the election healthy and fair. Apart from that, there were also integrity pact signers not to do money politics.
Sa’idatul Umah, Head of Bawaslu of Kediri Regency, said that this declaration was a point of pressure for all parties directly involved in the Pilkada process. “The covid protocol standard is the most urgent matter, apart from running every step,” he said.
According to Sa’idatul, this declaration is a form of Bawaslu’s concern for the community that they have two equal rights, the right to democratic sovereignty at this time and the right to safety of the people. “During a pandemic, they must think about their own safety,” he said.
Meanwhile, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana was confirmed after the event, saying he was ready to comply with the applicable regulations in the 2020 Pilkada stages regarding compliance with the Covid-19 protocol. “Maintaining health protocols and election principles is a commitment that must be maintained by every pair of candidates, organizers, supporting parties and supporters. (Sul / mam)

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