Bursa Wawali Menghangat, Ning Lik Segera Diberhentikan

SEGERA DIBERHENTIKAN : (Alm) Ning Lik, Wakil Walikota Kediri yang meninggal dunia

KEDIRI – Memasuki masa new normal, DPRD Kota Kediri mulai menggerakkan kembali roda agenda kegiatannya. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah pemberhentian Wakil Walikota (Wawali) yang ditinggalkan (alm) Hj. Lilik Muhibbah alias Ning Lik, karena meninggal dunia. Semula, rapat paripurna pemberhentian Wawali itu akan dilaksanakan 30 Maret lalu. Tetapi karena muncul pandemi corona, agenda itu dibatalkan.  Dengan demikian, paripurna pemberhentian Wawali ini tertunda 3 bulan lebih. Bersamaan dengan itu, bisik-bisik kandidat Wawali mulai menghangat lagi.

Rencananya,  paripurna pemberhentian Wawali itu akan dilaksanakan pada Jumat, 10 Juli mendatang. Keputusan itu dilaksanakan setelah dilakukan rapat Badan Musyawarah (Bamus) di kantor DPRD Kota Kediri, Rabu (1 Juli 2020). “Tanggal 10 paripurna pemberhentian Wawali,”ujar Katino, Wakil Ketua DPRD Kota Kediri dari Partai Gerindra, yang dihubungi melalui saluran whatsap.

Bursa tentang Wawali itu sendiri, kini sudah ramai diperbincangkan di masyarakat maupun sebagian anggota DPRD Kota Kediri. Sebab, posisi Wawali saat ini dinilai sangat strategis bagi yang ingin melangkah menuju Pemilihan Walikota 2023 mendatang. Ada sejumlah nama kandidat Wawali yang belakangan sudah muncul ke permukaan antara lain Reza Darmawan, Agus Puji Hadi (PAN), dan Ahmad Muqtadir (PPP). Diprediksi, bursa Wawali akan semakin menghangat usai paripurna pemberhentian Wawali.

Katino menjelaskan, selain membahas terkait paripurna pemberhentian Wawali, Bamus itu juga membahas KUA PPS (Kebijakan umum anggaran prioritas plafon sementara) 2021, sebelum dimasukkan  menjadi RAPBD 2021.  Sedangkan Perubahan Anggaran Keuangan (PAK) 2020 belum dimasukkan dalam agenda pembahasan selama Juli. “Mungkin Agustus,”katanya. (mam)

Vice Mayor Warms Up, Ning Lik Immediately Dismissed

KEDIRI – Entering the new normal period, the City Council of Kediri began to move the wheels of its activity agenda again. The first step taken was the dismissal of the Deputy Mayor (Vice Mayor) who was left (late) Hj. Lilik Muhibbah alias Ning Lik, due to death. Initially, the plenary meeting to stop the Vice Mayor will be held on 30 March. But because the corona pandemic appeared, the agenda was canceled. Thus, the plenary of the discharge of the Vice Mayor was delayed by more than 3 months. At the same time, the whispers of Vice Mayor candidates began to warm up again.
The plan is that the plenary discharge of the Vice Mayor will be held on Friday, July 10th. The decision was carried out after a meeting of the Deliberation Board (Bamus) at the Kediri City DPRD office, Wednesday (July 1, 2020). “On the 10th plenary dismissal of the Vice Mayor,” said Katino, Deputy Chairperson of the City of Kediri DPRD from the Gerindra Party, who was contacted via whatsap channel.
The exchange about the Vice Mayor itself, has now been widely discussed in the community as well as some members of the City Council of Kediri. Therefore, the current position of Vice Mayor is considered to be very strategic for those who want to move towards the upcoming Mayor Election in 2023. There are a number of candidates for the Vice Mayor who have recently surfaced, among others Reza Darmawan, Agus Puji Hadi (PAN), and Ahmad Muqtadir (PPP). It is predicted that the Vice Mayor exchange will be warmed up after the completion of the Vice Mayor stop.
Katino explained, besides discussing the plenary dismissal of the Vice Mayor, Bamus also discussed the KUA PPS (general policy for a temporary ceiling priority budget) 2021, before being incorporated into the 2021 RAPBD. While the Financial Budget Changes (PAK) 2020 had not been included in the discussion agenda during July. “Maybe August,” he said. (mam)
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