Bupati Haryanti Cek Lapangan Tes CPNS

DI TENGAH PESERTA : Bupati Kediri dr.Hj.Haryanti saat menilai pelaksanaan tes CPNS di SLG


KEDIRI – Pelaksanaan tes Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) 2020, mendapat perhatian serius dari Bupati Kediri dr. Hj. Haryanti. Untuk memastikan pelaksanaan tes CPNS lancar dan sesuai prosedur, Bupati Haryanti melakukan cek lapangan dan meninjau langsung pelaksanaan Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) CPNS di bas di Basement Monumen Simpang Lima Gumul, Jumat (14/2/20) itu.

Bupati Haryanti juga mengapresiasi panitia tes SKD CPNS itu, karena juga memperhatian calon yang sedang dalam kondisi khusus, seperti ibu hamil dan pengguna kursi roda karena sakit. “Alhamduillah persiapannya bagus dan pelaksanaan lancar. Tadi ada ibu hamil dan yang memakai roda diberi kesempatan untuk registrasi dulu, itu bagus,”ujar Haryanti, didampingi Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Solikin.

Untuk diketahui pelaksanaan tes SKD CPNS tahun ini serentak telah dilaksanakan di seluruh Indonesia mulai awal tahun 2020. Salah satunya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri yang juga melaksanakan tes tersebut selama 5 hari mulai tanggal 10 hingga 14 Februari 2020 di Basement Monumen Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG).

Sementara itu, Solikin, saat dikonfirmasi menjeaskan pelaksanaan tes ini dibagi menjadi 5 sesi yang dimulai pukul 10.00 sampai 18.00 WIB. Setiap sesi diikuti 280 peserta tes SKD CPNS. “Pesertanya sangat banyak, sehingga harus dibagi dalam beberapa hari dan sesi,” ujar Solikin.

Para peserta terlihat bersemangat untuk mengikuti tes SKD. Hal tersebut tampak dari antusias mereka mengikuti beberapa tahap sebelum pelaksanaan tes, mulai dari registrasi untuk pencocokan data serta pengambilan pin sesi, menitipkan tas dan pemeriksaan manual maupun metal detector.

Selanjutnya para peserta berkumpul di ruang isolasi untuk mendapatkan pengarahan dari Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten Kediri, Dede Sujana, S.Sos, M.Si. Kepada seluruh peserta, beliau mengatakan untuk selalu percaya diri dengan kemampuan masing-masing. Serta memulai segala hal dengan yang baik karena kedepannya apabila lolos akan menjadi PNS yang baik pula.

Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri pun sudah mempersiapkan segala teknis dan sarana prasarana untuk pelaksanaan tes ini.
Untuk total peserta tes CPNS di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri sebanyak 6.676 orang. Adapun formasi CPNS di Kabupaten Kediri sejumlah 690, terdiri dari 430 formasi guru, 158 formasi kesehatan dan 102 formasi teknis.(adv/bad)

Haryanti Regent Checks the CPNS Test Field

KEDIRI – The implementation of the 2020 Civil Servant Candidate test (CPNS) received serious attention from the Regent of Kediri, dr. Hj. Haryanti. To ensure that the CPNS test runs smoothly and according to procedures, the Regent of Haryanti conducts a field check and directly observes the implementation of the CPNS Basic Competency Selection in the basement at the Simpang Lima Gumul Monument Basement, Friday (2/14/20).
Haryanti Regent also appreciated the CPNS SKD test committee, because he was also concerned about candidates who were in special conditions, such as pregnant women and wheelchair users because of illness. “Thank God, the preparations are good and the implementation is smooth. “There was a pregnant woman and those who used wheels were given the opportunity to register first, that’s good,” said Haryanti, accompanied by the Head of the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) Solikin.
To note that the implementation of the CPDS SKD test this year has been carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia starting in early 2020. One of them is the District Government of Kediri who also carried out the test for 5 days from 10 to 14 February 2020 in the Simpang Lima Gumul Monument Basement (SLG).
Meanwhile, Solikin, when confirmed explaining the implementation of the test was divided into 5 sessions that began at 10:00 to 18:00 WIB. Each session was attended by 280 participants of the CPNS SKD test. “The participants were very many, so they had to be divided into several days and sessions,” Solikin said.
The participants seemed excited to take the SKD test. This can be seen from their enthusiasm to follow several stages before the test, starting from registration for matching data and taking session pins, leaving bags and checking manuals and metal detectors.
Then the participants gathered in the isolation room to get direction from the Regional Secretary of Kediri District, Dede Sujana, S. Sos, M.Sc. To all participants, he said to always be confident in their abilities. And start everything well because in the future if it passes, it will become a good civil servant.
The Kediri Regency Government has also prepared all the technical and infrastructure facilities for the implementation of this test.
For the total CPNS test participants in the Kediri Regency Government as many as 6,676 people. The CPNS formations in Kediri Regency amounted to 690, consisting of 430 teacher formations, 158 health formations and 102 technical formations. (Adv / bad)

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