Bawaslu ‘Mulek’ terhadap Tudingan Komisi A // Bawaslu ‘Mulek’ against Commission A Allegations


KEDIRI – Kasus komisi A DPRD Kabupaten Kediri yang mengundang seluruh Camat untuk hearing di kantor DPRD beberapa hari lalu, karena dituding melakukan kampanye salah satu calon bupati. Tampaknya belum ada persamaan pandangan, tafsir, dan sikap dengan Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) Kabupaten Kediri.

Jika Komisi A tegas menuding mereka kampanye, sedang Bawaslu tidak berani menjawab tegas alias mulek. Karena Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri belum masuk tahapan dan semua masih berstatus kandidat calon bupati, belum calon bupati.

“Kita sekarang on proses pembuatan himbauan untuk ASN,”ujar Ali Mashudi Komisioner Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri, saat dimintai konfirmasi terkait tudingan Komisi A bahwa para camat telah melakukan kampanye untuk salah satu pasangan calon tertentu.

Saat minta penjelasan yang tegas apakah tindakan para Camat itu sudah bisa disebut kampanye? Ali menjawab “Secara regulatif kampanye Pilkada itu ada tahapannya. Sekarang ini calonpun juga belum ada. Ini diskusinya panjang Mas. Lalu kampanye apa?,”tandas Ali.

Menurut Ali, masalah yang dipersoalkan komisi A itu sebenarnya terkait  netralitas ASN. Hanya saja, saat ditanya  apakah itu berarti para ASN betul tidak netral? Ali tidak menjawab sama sekali. (mam)

Bawaslu ‘Mulek’ against Commission A Allegation

KEDIRI – The case of Commission A of the DPRD of Kediri Regency, which invited all Camats to hear at the DPRD office a few days ago, because they were accused of campaigning for a candidate for regent. It seems that there is no similarity in views, interpretations, and attitudes with the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Kediri Regency.
If Commission A firmly accuses them of campaigning, Bawaslu does not dare to answer firmly or mulek. Because the District Election of Kediri has not entered the stage and all are still candidates for regent candidates, not yet regent candidates.
“We are now in the process of making an appeal for ASN,” said Ali Mashudi, Commissioner of the Kediri Regency Bawaslu, when asked for confirmation regarding Commission A’s accusation that the camats had conducted a campaign for one particular pair of candidates.
When asked for a clear explanation, whether the Camat’s actions could be called a campaign? Ali answered “Regulatively, there are stages in the election campaign. Right now there aren’t any candidates yet. This discussion is long Mas. Then what campaign? “Ali said.
According to Ali, the problem questioned by commission A was actually related to the neutrality of ASN. However, when asked if that means the ASNs are not neutral? Ali did not answer at all. (mam)

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