Jelang Coblosan, Kampanye KPU Nyaris Blong
KEDIRI – Sejumlah Alat Peraga Kampanye (APK) pemilihan yang diproduksi KPU Kabupaten Kediri, diserahkan ke tim Dhito untuk dipasang. Namun, hingga masa kampanye hampir habis, atau kurang 20 hari masa kampanye atau 23 hari coblosan, masih belum ada pemasangan. Sehingga, sampai saat ini kampanye yang menjadi kewajiban KPU melalui APK di pinggir jalan, hampir sama sekali belum ada dan nyaris tidak ada alias blong. Yang banyak ditemukan, hanya baner-baner sosialisasi Paslon Dhito-Dewi yang sudah lama terpasang, mulai sebelum penetapan calon dan sampai sekarang juga belum diambil atau ‘dibiarkan’ begitu saja oleh Bawaslu.
Sejumlah APK yang diserahkan ke tim Dhito antara lain billboar 5 buah, umbul-umbul 20 buah per desa X 26 kecamatan = 520 umbul-umbul, spanduk 2 buah per desa X 344 desa = 688 spanduk. Begitu juga APK yang seharusnya di pasangan di seluruh kantor kecamatan dan kantor desa, yang membuat gambar paslon dan bumbung kosong, termasuk baner specimen surat suara yang memuat Paslon dan Bumbung Kosong, juga nyaris tidak ditemukan. Tak ayal, jika di seluruh pelosok Kabupaten Kediri, di jalan utama maupun di pelosok desa, yang terlihat hanya spanduk sosialisasi Paslon.
Komisioner KPU Kabupaten Kediri Anwar Ansori, saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan penyerahan sejumlah APK ke tim Dhito – Dewi. Karena kewajiban KPU hanya mencetak, kemudian diserahkan ke Paslon. Soal pemasangannya, dia tidak mengetahui. “Memang begitu, KPU mencetak lalu diserahkan ke paslon. Pemasangan dan biaya pemasangannya diserahkan ke Paslon,”ujar Anwar.
Hal serupa diungkapkan Nanang Qosim, komisioner KPU bidang Penerangan Masyarakat (Parmas). Dia menyebut PKPU 11/2020 tentang kampanye, memang menyebutkan APK diserahkan ke Paslon. Sedangkan terkait baner specimen kampanye KPU dan baner specimen surat surat, yang keduanya membuat paslon dan bumbung, baru jadi. “Infonya sudah jadi. Hari ini (Senin, 16/11/2020) atau besok, dikirim. Dalam waktu dekat akan dipasang,”jelasnya. (mam)
KPU APK Submitted to the Dhito Team
Ahead Election, KPU Campaign is Near Empty or Blong
KEDIRI – A number of election campaign props (APK) produced by the KPU of Kediri Regency were submitted to the Dhito team to be installed. However, until the campaign period is almost over, or less than 20 days of the campaign period or 23 days of voting, there is still no installation. So, until now the campaign which is the obligation of the KPU through APK on the side of the road, is almost completely absent and almost nonexistent. What was found was only the socialization banners for the Paslon Dhito-Dewi that had been installed for a long time, starting before the nomination of candidates and until now either had not been taken or ‘left’ just like that by Bawaslu.
A number of APKs submitted to Dhito’s team included 5 billboards, 20 banners per village X 344 villages = 6,880 banners, 2 banners per village X 344 villages = 688 banners. Likewise, the APK that should be in pairs in all sub-district and village offices, which made pictures of the candidate pairs and blank bumbung, including ballot specimen banners containing the Paslon and Bumbung Kosong, were also barely found. No doubt, if in all corners of Kediri Regency, on the main road and in remote villages, only Paslon socialization banners can be seen.
Kediri KPU commissioner Anwar Ansori, when confirmed, confirmed the handover of a number of APKs to the Dhito – Dewi team. Because the KPU’s obligation is only to print, then submit it to the Paslon. About the installation, he did not know. “Indeed, the KPU scored and then submitted it to the candidate pairs. The installation and installation costs are left to Paslon, “said Anwar.
The same thing was expressed by Nanang Qosim, the KPU commissioner for Public Information (Parmas). He mentioned PKPU 11/2020 regarding the campaign, indeed mentioning that APK was handed over to Paslon. Meanwhile, with regard to the KPU campaign specimen banner and letter specimen banner, both of which are making candidate pairs and bumbung, just finished. “The info is ready. Today (Monday, 16/11/2020) or tomorrow, sent. In the near future it will be installed, “he explained. (mam)
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