KEDIRI – Kepanikan masyarakat terhadap wabah Corona, kadang sering dinilai berlebihan. Seperti di salah satu perumahan di Kecamatan Gampengrejo, Kabupaten Kediri. Begitu ada informasi salah satu warga yang tinggal di lingkungan mereka terkena Corona dan masuk kategori Pasien Dalam Pangawasan (PDP), mereka langsung merespon dengan menutup akses jalan masuk ke perumahan itu (1/4/2020). Tidak boleh orang luar masuk. Untung saja, BPBD Kabupaten Kediri langsung turun tangan dengan datang ke lokasi untuk menenangkan warga, sehingga warga lebih tenang dan penutupan dihentikan.
“Kemarin ada penutupan karena warga memang masih belum di edukasi. Setelah tim BPBD datang dan member edukasi akhirnya warga sadar dan bisa mengerti bahwa penanganan pencegahan tidak harus menutup akses jalan,”ujar Windoko, Komandan URC BPBD Kabupaten Kediri, yang memimpin langsung tim dari BPBD turun ke lokasi.
Juru bicara penanggulangan Corona Kota Kediri, dr. Fauzan Adlima, saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan adanya pasien inisial Y, dari Kabupaten Kediri yang dirawat di RS Gambiran dengan status PDP. “Status masih PDP. Swabnya baru hari ini dikirim ke Surabaya,”ujar Fauzan.
Dengan adanya pasien dengan status PDP ini, di Kota Kediri orang yang bertatus ODP (Orang Dalam Pemantauan) ada 81, status PDP 1, dan Confirm 1 orang. (mam)
1 PDP, Residents Close Access Roads, BPBD Down
KEDIRI – Public panic over the Corona outbreak, sometimes often overestimated. Like in one of the housing estates in Gampengrejo Subdistrict, Kediri Regency. As soon as there was information that one of the residents living in their neighborhood was affected by Corona and entered the category of Patients in Pangawasan (PDP), they immediately responded by closing the access road to the housing (1/4/2020). No outsiders may enter. Luckily, BPBD of Kediri Regency immediately intervened by coming to the location to calm down the residents, so that residents were calmer and the closure was stopped.
“Yesterday there was a closure because residents were still not educated. After the BPBD team came and educated, finally the residents were aware and could understand that prevention measures did not have to close the road access, “said Windoko, Commander of the Kediri Regency BPBD URC, who led the BPBD team directly to the location.
Spokesman for Corona City of Kediri, dr. Fauzan Adlima, when confirmed confirmed the existence of the initial patient Y, from Kediri Regency who was treated at Gambiran Hospital with PDP status. “The status is still PDP. Today the swab was only sent to Surabaya, “said Fauzan.
With the existence of PDP patients, in the City of Kediri there are 81 ODP (Insider Monitoring) status, PDP 1 status, and Confirm 1 person. (mam)
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