Nenek 68 Tahun Ikut Deklarasi Bumbung Kosong

Pembiaran Peraga Paslon, Geruduk KPU

KEDIRI – Ratusan anggota tim pemenangan Bumbung Kosong (BuKos) di Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri, menggelar deklarasi bersama di kawasan Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG) untuk meneguhkan tekat pemenangan BuKos pada Pilkada, 9 Desember 2020. Mereka umumnya para tim pemenangan di kecamatan-kecamatan.  

TETAP ENERGIK : Amanah, 68, meski sudah nenek-nenek, tetap energik di deklarasi BuKos

Salah satu peserta deklarasi BuKos ini adalah Amanah, 68, yang mengaku dari Kecamatan Pare. Sedangkan dari Kecamatan Purwoasri, hampir seluruh pesertanya adalah perempuan. ”Saya mengajak anak-anak dan cucu saya nyoblos bumbung kosong. Tetangga-tetangga juga saya ajak nyoblos Bumbung Kosong, banyak yang mau, tapi saya belum diberi kaos,”ujar Amanah, saat ditemui di sela-sela deklarasi di SLG, seraya meminta tolong dimintakan kaos ke panitia.

SHOLAWATAN : Para Srikandi BuKos melantumkan sholawatan saat deklarasi

Pada deklarasi gabungan antarkecamatan itu, mereka melakukan yel-yel bumbung kosong menang, menyanyikan lagu ‘Nogosari dibungkus godong’  dan melantunkan lagu-lagu sholawat. Secara umum, deklarasi BuKos di SLG ini lebih banyak diikuti oleh tim perempuan. “Kita bertekat memenangkan Bumbung Kosong, karena demokrasi sudah dicederai. Kita pilih Bumbung Kosong untuk menjaga kehormatan Kediri,”ujar  Rahmat Mahmudi, ketua presidium pemenangan Bumbung Kosong, saat member sambutan.

Usai deklarasi di SLG, mereka menggeruduk KPU. Hanya saja, mereka tidak bisa masuk ke halaman KPU dan ditahan di depan pintu gerbang. Mereka menilai terjadi pembiaran baner alat peraga sosialisasi (APS) pasangan calon (Paslon) oleh KPU dan Bawaslu. Baner alat peraga itu, seharusnya sudah dicopoti mulai memasuki masa kampanye, sekitar 3 bulan lalu, dan diganti dengan alat peraga kampanye resmi dari KPU, yang di dalamnya juga memuat gambar BuKos. Tetapi, alat peraga kampanye dari KPU justru banyak tidak dipasang. Selain itu, mereka mempertanyakan ke KPU soal aturan yang melarang saksi Bumbung Kosong di TPS. Sebab, tidak ada aturan yang melarang saksi BuKos di TPS. Sementara itu, Anwar Ansori, mengaku sudah memberikan surat ke tim Paslon terkait pencopotan APS. Jika dalam waktu 24 jam tidak dicopot, maka sudah menjadi ranah Bawaslu untuk membersihkan. “Kita sudah menyampaikan surat itu ke partai,”ujar Anwar, di hadapan pendukung BuKos.

BERDEBAT : Rahmat Mahmudi dan Anwar Ansori berdebat tentang APS dan saksi di TPS

Soal saksi di TPS, Anwar mengakui tidak ada aturan yang melarang. Tetapi di dalam aturan itu dijelaskan siapa saja yang bisa memasuki area TPS, antara lain saksi Paslon, pemantau, dan petugas TPS. “Memang tidak ada yang melarang, tapi sudah dijelaskan siapa saja yang bisa masuk area TPS,”katanya. (mam)   

68 Years Grandmother Participates in Empty Box Declaration

Ignoring Paslon Display, Demonstration to KPU

KEDIRI – Hundreds of members of the Bumbung Kosong (BuKos) or Empy Box winning team in the Kediri Regency Pilkada, held a joint declaration in the Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG) area to confirm the determination of BuKos’ victory in the Pilkada, December 9, 2020. They are generally winning teams in sub-districts.
One of the participants in the BuKos declaration is Amanah, 68, who claims to be from Pare District. Meanwhile, from Purwoasri District, almost all of the participants were women. “I invite my children and grandchildren to check out the empty bumbung. I also invited my neighbors to vote for Bumbung Kosong, many wanted, but I haven’t been given a T-shirt, ”said Amanah, when he was met on the sidelines of the declaration at SLG, while asking the committee to ask for a shirt.
At the joint declaration between sub-districts, they chanted empty bumbung wins, sang ‘Nogosari wrapped in godong’ and sang sholawat songs. In general, the female team mostly followed the BuKos declaration at SLG. “We are determined to win Bumbung Kosong, because democracy has been violated. We choose Bumbung Kosong to protect Kediri’s honor, ”said Rahmat Mahmudi, chairman of the Bumbung Kosong winning presidium, when giving a speech.
After the declaration at SLG, they raided the KPU. However, they could not enter the KPU yard and were detained at the gate. They assessed that the KPU and Bawaslu had left the banners for the socialization props (APS) for candidate pairs (Paslon). The props for these props should have been removed from the start of the campaign period, about 3 months ago, and replaced with official campaign props from the KPU, which also contain pictures of BuKos. However, many of the campaign props from the KPU were not installed. In addition, they questioned the KPU about the rules prohibiting the Bumbung Kosong witness from attending the TPS. Because, there is no regulation that prohibits the BuKos witness at the TPS. Meanwhile, Anwar Ansori, admitted that he had given a letter to the Paslon team regarding the dismissal of APS. If within 24 hours it is not removed, then it is the domain of Bawaslu to clean up. “We have submitted the letter to the party,” said Anwar, in front of BuKos supporters.
Regarding the witnesses at the TPS, Anwar admitted that there were no rules against this. However, the regulation explains who can enter the TPS area, including witnesses Paslon, observers, and TPS officers. “Indeed, no one prohibits it, but it has been explained who can enter the TPS area,” he said. (mam)

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