Giliran Kantor Pembangunan Lockdown

KEDIRI – Setelah kantor DPRD Kabupaten Kediri lockdown, kini giliran kantor Bagian Adm. Pembangunan yang lockdown sejak , setelah salah satu stafnya dikabarkan positif covid-19. Sehingga seluruh stafnya, sekitar 70 orang harus melakukan tes swab. Informasi yang diterima kediripost, ada yang menyebut yang terpapar adalah staf, ada juga yang menyebut Kepala Bagian Administrasi Pembangunan, Damas Danur Rendra.

KANTOR LOCKDOWN : Kantor Bagian Pembangunan Kabupaten Kediri

Saat kediripost mengecek ke kantor Bagian Adm. Pembangunan, sekitar pukul 09.30, seluruh ruangannya tertutup, tirainya juga tutup, lampu ruangan semua padam, tidak ada satupun pegawai yang masuk kantor. “Tutup sementara Pak,”ujar salah seorang staf Pemkab Kediri, yang berada di sekitar lokasi.

Sumber itu menyebut, para staf Bagian Adm. Pembangunan bekerja di rumah masing-masing. Jika ada pihak perusahaan, PT atau CV, yang akan mengurus administrasi, diminta untuk berkomunikasi langsung ke personil yang mengurusi masing-masing. “Kalau mengurus apa-apa langsung ke rumahnya staf yang mengurusi Mas,”tambahnya.

Plt. Kabag Adm. Pembangunan, Damas Danur Rendra, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsaap maupun telepon seluler, tidak dijawab.

Sementara itu, juru bicara gugus covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri, Ahmad Khotib, mengakui para staf bagian pembangunan dilakukan tracing dan tindak lanjut di PKM Ngasem. “Kalau di wisma atlet, itu tracing dan tindaklanjut dari kasus yang di wilayah Pare dan sekitarnya,”ujarnya.

Hanya saja, Khotib juga tidak menyebut apakah yang terpapar di Kantor Bagian Pembangunan itu salah satu stafnya atau kepala bagiannya. Karena dia belum mendapatkan data soal personil yang terpapar. (mam)

Lockdown Construction Office Turn

KEDIRI – After the Kediri Regency DPRD office lockdown, now it is the turn for the Adm. Construction has been in lockdown since, after a staff member was reported to have tested positive for Covid-19. So that the entire staff, about 70 people have to do a swab test. The information received by the Kediripost, some said that those exposed were staff, some also mentioned the Head of the Development Administration Section, Damas Danur Rendra.
When kediripost checked into the Adm. Construction, around 9:30 a.m., all the rooms are closed, the curtains are also closed, the lights are all out, not a single employee comes into the office. “It is temporarily closed, Sir,” said a staff member of the Kediri Regency Government, who was around the location.
The source said, Adm. Staff. Development work in each house. If there is a company, PT or CV, who will take care of administration, it is requested to communicate directly to the personnel who take care of each of them. “If you take care of anything directly to his house, the staff who take care of Mas,” he added.
Plt. Head of Adm. Development, Damas Danur Rendra, when confirmed via WhatsApp channel or cell phone, was not answered.
Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Covid-19 cluster in Kediri Regency, Ahmad Khotib, acknowledged that the staff of the development department had carried out tracing and follow-up at PKM Ngasem. “In the athletes’ homestead, that is tracing and follow-up of cases in Pare and its surrounding areas,” he said.
However, Khotib also did not mention whether one of his staff members or the head of the department exposed to the office of the Development Section. (mam)

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