Wilis H3 Kirim Bantuan Masker ke RS

PEDULI PARAMEDIS : Pemguirus Wilis Hash Hosuse Harries saat menyerahkan bantuan masker di salah satu rumah sakit

KEDIRI – Komunitas Jalan Sehat Lintas Alam Wilis Hash House Harriers kembali melakukan bhakti sosial untuk pencegahan Covid-19 dengan sasaran utama paramedis. Setelah beberapa waktu lalu memberikan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) ke sejumlah rumah sakit, kini mereka giliran membagikan masker ke sejumlah rumah sakit di Kota dan Kabupaten Kediri, yaitu ke RS RS Ahmad Dahlan, RSUD Pare, dan RS HVA Toeloengrejo Pare.

Ketua Wilis H3, Bambang Giantoro menjelaskan, pihaknya sengaja membagikan bantuan ke paramedis di rumah sakit karena paling rawan terinfeksi virus. Mengingat mereka yang menangani langsung para pasien. “Paramedis ini merupakan garda terdepan penanganan virus Covid-19. Sehingga mereka harus diberi support moral dan dukungan riil agar Covid-19 segera berlalu dari Indonesia, khususnya Kediri,”jelas Bambang.

Bambang berharap, paramedis itu tidak melihat seberapa besar sumbangan yang kita sampaikan, tetapi ini wujud kepedulian dan dukungan masyarakat luas pada mereka. Masih banyak orang lain yang memberikan support ke paramedis dalam bentuk lain, setidak-tidaknya doa. “Paramedis harus terus diberi semangat, karena mereka adalah  harapan masyarakat dalam menghadapi Covid-19,”tandasnya. (mam)

Wilis H3 Sends Mask Aid to Hospital

KEDIRI – The Wilis Hash House Harriers’ Cross-country Healthy Walk Community once again carried out social services to prevent Covid-19 with the main target of paramedics. After some time ago providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to a number of hospitals, now they turn to distribute masks to a number of hospitals in the City and District of Kediri, namely to Ahmad Dahlan Hospital, Pare Regional Hospital, and HVA Toeloengrejo Pare Hospital.
Head of Wilis H3, Bambang Giantoro, explained that his party was deliberately distributing aid to paramedics at the hospital because it was most prone to being infected with the virus. Remembering those who deal directly with patients. “This paramedics is the frontline in handling Covid-19 virus. So they must be given moral support and real support so that Covid-19 will soon pass from Indonesia, especially Kediri, “explained Bambang.
Bambang hopes that the paramedics do not see how much we can contribute, but this is a form of public concern and support for them. There are still many others who provide support to paramedics in other forms, at least prayer. “Medics must continue to be encouraged, because they are the hope of the people in facing Covid-19,” he said. (mam)

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