KEDIRI – Walikota Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar mengambil langkah menghapus Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Prodamas) 2020. Anggaran Prodamas itu sendiri rencananya akan diberikan Rp 100 juta per RT per tahun, setelah pada periode sebelumnya Rp 50 juta per RT per tahun. “Untuk 2020, anggaran Prodamas mencapai Rp 144 miliar, semuanya akan dialihkan untuk penanganan Covid-19 di Kota Kediri,”ujar Abdullah Abu Bakar, dalam press release oleh Humas Pemkot Kediri yang dikirimkan ke sejumlah awak media.
Menurut Mas Abu, penghapusan Prodamas ini adalah keputusan berat, karena ini janji kampanye dirinya. Yang dihapus hanya Prodamas 2020, untuk selanjutnya tetap akan dilaksanakan mulai 2021. “Penanganan Covid-19 tidak hanya pencegahan, tapi juga tentang jaring pengaman sosial bagi warga terdampak. Juga masa-masa recovery nanti setelah pandemik selesai,” tambahnya.
Mas Abu menjelaskan, Kota Kediri seperti kota-kota lain, mengalami masalah yang sama, harus mengeluarkan anggaran besar untuk menangani masalah Covid-19i, tapi di sisi lain pendapatan juga turun drastis. “Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) terpukul karena sektor usaha lesu, pusat perbelanjaan, restoran, cafe, wisata, hiburan, hotel dan event tidak berjalan. Padahal dari sana kita mendapatkan pajak. Sementara dana perimbangan atau dana transfer dari pemerintah pusat juga angkanya turun, seperti Dana Bagi Hasil, Dana Alokasi Umum, Dana Alokasi Khusus, dan Dana Insentif Daerah, semua berkurang,” kata Mas Abu.
Di sisi lain, tambah Mas Abu, kita harus menggerakkan ekonomi masyarakat. Penanganan Corona tidak hanya persoalan beli APD, atau mengobati yang sakit. Tapi juga memberi makan warga yang kelaparan. ” Prodamas 2020 dihapus, ini langkah agar kita selamat dari musibah ini. Covid-19 ini sudah ditetapkan sebagai bencana nasional, pemerintah harus mengedepankan penanganan ini,” tegasnya. (mam)
Mayor Remove Prodamas 2020
KEDIRI – Kediri Mayor Abdullah Abu Bakar took the step of removing the 2020 Community Empowerment Program (Prodamas). The Prodamas budget itself is planned to be given Rp 100 million per RT per year, after in the previous period Rp 50 million per RT per year. “For 2020, the budget of Prodamas reaches Rp 144 billion, all of which will be diverted to the handling of Covid-19 in the City of Kediri,” Abdullah Abu Bakar said, in a press release by the Public Relations Government of Kediri City which was sent to a number of media crews.
According to Mas Abu, the removal of Prodamas was a tough decision, because this was his campaign promise. What was deleted only Prodamas 2020, henceforth it will continue to be carried out starting in 2021. “The handling of Covid-19 is not only prevention, but also about the social safety net for affected citizens. Also the recovery period will be after the pandemic is over, “he added.
Mas Abu explained, Kediri City, like other cities, experienced the same problem, had to spend a large budget to deal with the Covid-19i problem, but on the other hand income also dropped dramatically. “Local Revenue (PAD) was hit because the business sector was sluggish, shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, tourism, entertainment, hotels and events did not work. Whereas from there we got taxes. While the balance funds or transfer funds from the central government also dropped. like Revenue Sharing Funds, General Allocation Funds, Special Allocation Funds and Regional Incentive Funds, all are reduced, “said Mas Abu.
On the other hand, added Mas Abu, we must move the people’s economy. Corona management is not just a matter of buying PPE, or treating the sick. But it also feeds starving citizens. “Prodamas 2020 is deleted, this is a step for us to survive this disaster. Covid-19 has been designated as a national disaster, the government must prioritize this handling,” he said. (mam)
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