Sudah Bayar Rp 1 Juta, Kelengkapan Belum Diserahkan
KEDIRI – Sejumlah wali siswa Sekolah Sepak Bola (SSB) Persik Kediri di kelompok umur, merasa resah, karena hak-hak mereka terkait perlengkapan tim, belum diserahkan. Misalnya kaos tim kurang, jaket dan kaos kaki belum diberikan sama sekali. Padahal mereka sudah latihan sekitar tujuh bulan dan mereka sudah membayar perlengkapan itu masing-masing senilai Rp 1 juta. “Kami sudah berkali-kali menanyakan ke manajemen, tetapi sulit ditemui. Bahkan akhirnya sebagian wali siswa ke rumah manajer kelompok umur, Saad Subhan, namun tidak ada kejelasan. Katanya manajemen Persik di pusat, Abdul Hakim, sulit ditemui,”ujar salah satu wali siswa, saat ditemui di Lapangan Betet, Pesantren, tempat latihan SSB Persik.
Menurut para wali siswa, kelengkapan itu dinilai penting agar para siswa SSB bisa berganti kaos saat latihan. Tidak hanya satu kaos. Karena dengan membayar Rp 1 juta mereka dijanjikan dua kaos, jaket, sepasang kaos kaki, asuransi, dan sebagainya. Mereka juga sudah membayar biaya bulan Rp 300 ribu per siswa. “Malah yang asuransi, saat ada pertandingan dan salah satu siswa terjatuh hingga harus dibawa ke rumah sakit, ternyata kartu asuransi yang diberikan tidak bisa digunakan atau dicairkan. Terpaksa orang tua siswa membayar rumah sakit sendiri,”tambahnya.
Sementara itu, Saad Subhan, saat dikonfirmasi mengakui sebagian kelengkapan latihan dan atribut SSB belum diserahkan ke para siswa, karena apparel dan sponsor tidak jadi masuk. Selain itu, karena belum semua siswa membayar. “Kan tidak mungkin kaos dan jaket itu belinya satu-satu. Kan harus borongan. Harus membayar lima puluh persen dulu,”kata Saad.
Saad menjelaskan, saat ini ada 234 siswa SSB Persik, yang terdiri dari kelompok umur 14, umur 16, umur 18, umur 20, dan kelompok putri. Sebagian ada yang keluar dan ada yang dikeluarkan karena tidak ada komitmen membayar. “Ada juga permintaan untuk mengurangi pembayaran dua bulan, karena kondisi covid. Itu ya kita sepakati yang dua bulan dibayar lima puluh persen,”jelas Saad. (mam)
SSB Student Guard Peer Anxious
Already Paid Rp. 1 Million, Completeness Not Submitted
KEDIRI – A number of guardians of Persik Kediri Football School (SSB) students in the age group, feel uneasy, because their rights related to team equipment, have not been handed over. For example, lack of team shirts, jackets and socks have not been given at all. Even though they have been training for about seven months and they have already paid for the equipment worth Rp. 1 million each. “We have repeatedly asked the management, but it is difficult to find. Even finally some of the guardians of students went to the home of the age group manager, Saad Subhan, but there was no clarity. He said that the management of Peaches at the center, Judge, was difficult to find, “said one of the guardians of students, when met at Betet Field, Islamic Boarding School, the SSB Persik training ground.
According to the guardians of students, completeness was considered important so that SSB students could change their shirts during training. Not just one shirt. Because by paying Rp. 1 million they were promised two shirts, a jacket, a pair of socks, insurance, and so on. They have also paid a monthly fee of IDR 300 thousand per student. “In fact, the insurance, when there is a match and one of the students fell and had to be taken to the hospital, it turns out that the insurance card given cannot be used or thawed. Forced by parents to pay for the hospital itself, “he added.
Meanwhile, Saad Subhan, when confirmed, admitted that some of the complete training and SSB attributes had not been submitted to the students, because apparel and sponsorships did not enter. In addition, because not all students pay. “It is not possible to buy shirts and jackets one by one. You have to wholesale. Must pay fifty percent first, “Saad said.
Saad explained, currently there were 234 students of the Persik SSB, consisting of age groups 14, age 16, age 18, age 20, and women’s groups. Some are out and some are excluded because there is no commitment to pay. “There is also a request to reduce payments by two months, due to covid conditions. Yes, we agree that the two months are paid fifty percent, “Saad explained. (mam)
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