KEDIRI – Pemeriksaan terhadap Supadi, Kepala Desa Tarokan, yang juga kandidat calon Bupati Kediri, ditunda oleh Polres Kediri Kota, karena yang bersangkutan sedang umroh. “Sebenarnya, pemeriksaan kita jadwalkan kemarin (Selasa, 4 Februari,red), tapi dia minta dituda karena akan umroh,”ujar Kapolres Kediri Kota, AKBP Miko Indrayana, di sela-sela pengobatan Gratis di Desa Manyaran, Kec. Banyakan.
Seperti diberitakan, Supadi ditetapkan sebagai tersangka atas dugaan penggunaan gelar Palsu, SE, yang pernah disematkan pada namanya. Namun Supadi sendiri mengaku SE itu bukan gelar, tapi singkatan dari nama baiatnya, yaitu Supadi Subiari Erlangga dan nama itu sudah ditetapkan oleh Pengadilan Kabupaten Kediri.
Meski ditunda, Miko mengaku belum bisa memastikan kapan Supadi akan diperiksa. Masih menunggu usai di pulang dari umroh. “Karena masih ibadah, kita hormati dan kita menunggu usai umroh,”tandasnya.
Soal penetapan Supadi sebagai tersangka itu terkait dengan proses menjelang Pilkada, Miko mengaku pemeriksaan ini sama tidak terkait dengan politik. “Ini tidak ada unsur politik, murni profesional sesuai aturan,”kata Miko.
Terkait pengakuan Supadi bahwa nama itu bukan gelar, tapi kepanjangan nama baiatnya, Miko tidak menjawab secara langsung. Dia mengatakan penetapan Supadi sebagai tersangka itu melalui proses panjang. Pihaknya sudah memiliki dua alat bukti dan sudah memeriksa saksi ahli. “Jadi tidak serta merta sebagai tersangka,”jelasnya. (mam)
Umroh, Examination Supadi Postponed
KEDIRI – Examination of Supadi, Head of the Tarokan Village, who is also a candidate for the Regent of Kediri, was postponed by the Kediri City Regional Police, because he was in an umroh. “Actually, we scheduled the examination yesterday (Tuesday, February 4, red), but he asked to be married because he would go for pilgrimage,” said the Kediri City Police Chief, AKBP Miko Indrayana, on the sidelines of the free medical treatment in Manyaran Village, Kec. A lot.
As reported, Supadi was named as a suspect for the alleged use of the title Fake, SE, which had been embedded in his name. But Supadi himself claimed that the SE was not a title, but an abbreviation of his baiat name, namely Supadi Subiari Erlangga and the name had been determined by the District Court of Kediri.
Even though it was postponed, Miko said that she could not confirm when Supadi would be examined. Still waiting for it to go home from Umrah. “Because we still worship, we respect and we wait for the end of the pilgrimage,” he said.
The matter of establishing Supadi as a suspect was related to the process leading up to the elections, Miko claimed that this examination was not related to politics. “This has no political element, purely professional according to the rules,” said Miko.
Regarding Supadi’s acknowledgment that the name was not a title, but an extension of his baiat, Miko did not answer directly. He said the appointment of Supadi as a suspect was a long process. It already has two pieces of evidence and has examined expert witnesses. “So it’s not necessarily a suspect,” he explained. (mam)
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