KEDIRI – Persik Kediri bakal mengisi pertandingan perdana melawan PSS Sleman, Kamis (1/10/20) di lapangan Maguwoharjo, karena adanya perubahan jadwal pertandingan dari PT. LIB sebagai operator Liga I. Sebelumnya, Persik sebenarnya dijadwal bertanding melawan Persela Lamongan pada Sabtu (3/10/20).
Media Officer Persik Kediri, Anwar Bahar Basalamah mengatakan, pihaknya menerima kabar perubahan jadwal tanding itu pada H-5. “Seharusnya di pekan ke-4 lanjutan liga 1 ini, Perik melawan Persela Lamongan. Tapi karena ada perubahan, pekan ke-4 Persik Kediri melawan PSS Sleman,” ujarnya.
Menurut Basalamah, surat perubahan jadwal pertandingan itu sempat mengejutkan Persik. Perubahan jadwal itu, karena adanya beberapa klub yang berubah home base-nya. “”Sebenarnya surat tersebut sedikit memberikan kejutan bagi manajemen. Namun Persik harus siap dengan jadwal yang diberikan PT LIB,”ungkapnya.
Sementara itu, pelatih persik kediri, Budi sudarsono mengaku perubahan jadwal pertandingan tersebut tidak mempengaruhi kesiapan persik untuk menghadapi liga 1. “Alhamdulillah kita sudah antisipasi dari awal. Saya sudah pernah bilang, tanggal 1 kita sudah siap. Kita tetap optimis untuk mendapatkan 3 poin,” kata Budi. (sul/mam)
The First Match, Persik Vs PSS Sleman
KEDIRI – Persik Kediri will fill the inaugural match against PSS Sleman, Thursday (1/10/20) at the Maguwoharjo field, due to changes in the match schedule from PT. LIB as the operator of Liga I. Previously, Persik was actually scheduled to compete against Persela Lamongan on Saturday (3/10/20).
Media Officer of Persik Kediri, Anwar Bahar Basalamah said that his party received news of the change in the match schedule on the 5th day. “It should have been in the 4th week of the 1st league, Perik against Persela Lamongan. But because of a change, the 4th week of Persik Kediri against PSS Sleman,” he said.
According to Basalamah, the letter to change the match schedule had surprised Persik. The schedule change was due to several clubs changing their home base. “Actually, the letter gave a little surprise to the management. However, Persik must be ready with the schedule given by PT LIB,” he said.
Meanwhile, the coach of Kediri Peach, Budi Sudarsono admitted that the change in the schedule of the match did not affect the readiness of the peaches for the 1st league. “said Budi. (sul/mam)
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