KEDIRI -Partai NasDem tancap gas dan gerak cepat untuk mengkampanyekan pasangan Calon Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kediri, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana dan Dewi Maria Ulfa alias Mas Dhito dan Mbak Dewi. Setelah memberikan rekom beberapa waktu lalu, NasDem sudah melakukan banyak upaya sosialisasi Dhito-Dewi ke masyarakat dalam berbagai bentuk, mulai media, baner, branding di kendaraan seperti mobil pribadi, mobil angkutan, hingga becak. Seperti yang dilakukan di Gerai Sehat Wonojoyo, Gurah, pada Kamis (20/9/2020). NasDem kembali membranding sekitar 70 becak untuk mendukung pasangan Dhito-Dewi.
Khusnul Arif, S.Sos, anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri dari Fraksi NasDem, menjelaskan branding tersebut dilakukan melalui anggota para DPRD dari Partai NasDem, Ini merupakan bentuk upaya Partai NasDem mendukung bakal calon Bupati Kediri, “Jadi kita tidak hanya memberi rekom saja. Ini rupakan bentuk kerja keras kami memaksimalkan perjalan Mas Dhito supaya lebih dikenal, dipahami, dan merakyat,” ujarnya.
Arif menjelaskan, upaya untuk memasyarakatkan Dhito-Dewi tidak hanya melalui becak, tetapi sudah banyak hal yang dilakukan oleh NasDem, terutama seluruh anggota Fraksi NasDem
Menurut Arif sapaan akrab anggota DPRD Fraksi NasDem, Kegiatan tersebut sebanarnya bukan hanya branding becak saja, itu merupakan bagian dari bentuk branding kita terhadap Mas Dhito. Baik di media massa, baliho permanen, baliho temporer ada sekitar 150 buah, mini baner ada sekitar 150 buah, baner di warung, baner di rumah kader, mobil travel, dan sebagainya. “Untuk becak, sudah ada sekitar 700 becak. Proses pengenalan Dhito-Dewi ini akan terus kami lakukan,”katanya.
Sementara itu, Solikin, salah seorang yang becaknya dibranding, mengaku sangat senanga dengan kegiatan ini. Sebab, becaknya menjadi lebih enak dipandang dan terlihat lebiha bagus.. ” Kami berharap Mas Dhito bisa menang di pemilihan Bupati-Wakil Bupati nanti, Yang jelas, kami ke depannya ingin perubahan,” ujar Solikin (sul)
NasDem Running Fast, Dhito-Dewi Branding
KEDIRI -The NasDem party stepped on the gas and moved quickly to campaign for the Candidates for Regent and Deputy Regent of Kediri, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana and Dewi Maria Ulfa alias Mas Dhito and Mbak Dewi. After providing recommendations some time ago, NasDem has made many efforts to socialize Dhito-Dewi to the public in various forms, from media, tires, branding on vehicles such as private cars, transportation cars, to pedicabs. As was done at Wonojoyo Healthy Outlet, Gurah, on Thursday (20/9/2020). NasDem returned to branding around 70 pedicabs to support the Dhito-Dewi pair.
Khusnul Arif, S.Sos, a member of the Kediri Regency DPRD from the NasDem Faction, explained that the branding was carried out through members of the DPRD from the NasDem Party. form of our hard work is maximizing Mas Dhito’s journey so that he is better known, understood and populist, “he said.
Arif explained, efforts to socialize Dhito-Dewi were not only through pedicabs, but many things had been done by NasDem, especially all members of the NasDem faction.
According to Arif, the familiar nickname of DPRD members from the NasDem faction, this activity was not just branding for the rickshaw, it was part of our form of branding for Mas Dhito. Both in the mass media, permanent billboards, temporary billboards there are around 150 pieces, mini billboards there are about 150 pieces, billboards in stalls, billboards at cadres’ houses, travel cars, and so on. “For pedicabs, there are around 700 pedicabs. We will continue to do the introduction of Dhito-Dewi,” he said.
Meanwhile, Solikin, one of the pedicab drivers, admitted that he was very happy with this activity. Because, the pedicab becomes more pleasing to the eye and looks better .. “We hope that Mas Dhito can win in the election of the Regent-Deputy Regent later. What is clear, we want changes in the future,” said Solikin (sul)
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