KEDIRI – Supadi, Kepala Desa Tarokan, Kec. Tarokan, yang juga bakal Calon Bupati Kediri yang sedang menjalani sidang di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kabupaten Kediri, dikabarkan sudah diberhentikan sementara dari jabatannya sebagai Kepala Desa Tarokan. Informasi pemberhentian sementara itu, muncul dari Basthomi, salah satu pejabat di Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pemerintah Desa (DPMPD) Kabupaten Kediri, saat ditemui di kantornya, Kamis (11 Juni 2020). “Sudah diberhentikan sementara awal Juni lalu,”ujar Basthomi.
Hanya saja, saat media ini meminta menunjukkan surat pemberhentian sementara itu, Basthomi menolak dan mengaku surat itu sudah disampaikan ke Supadi. Saat ditanya alasan pemberhentiannya, Basthomi mengaku karena ancaman hukumannya di atas lima tahun. “Kan ancamannya 10 tahun,”tandas Basthomi.
Terkait kemungkinan diberhentikan dari jabatannya jika vonis hakim PN Kabupaten Kediri mencapai 6 bulan sehingga tidak mampu menjalankan tugas selama 6 bulan secara berturut-turut, Basthomi mengatakan bahwa itu (diberhentikan,red), kalau tidak menjalankan tugas enam bulan berturut-turut tanpa alasan. “Kalau menjalani pidana kan berarti ada alasan yaitu menjalani hukuman,”kata Basthomi.
Saat diberitahu bahwa di Perda No. 8 tahun 2015 tentang Pemilihan Kepala Desa, tidak ada bahasa ‘Tanpa Alasan’ Basthomi menjawab bahwa setelah selesai sidang nanti akan dirapatkan lagi. “Ya nanti akan dirapatkan lagi setelah sidang,”katanya.
Namun, jika dalam putusan PN Kabupaten Kediri Supadi diputus bebas, maka Supadi berhak melanjutkan menduduki jabatannya sebagai Kepala Desa Tarokan. (mam)
Supadi that it has been temporarily stopped?
KEDIRI – Supadi, Head of Tarokan Village, Kec. Tarokan, who is also a candidate for the Regent of Kediri who is undergoing a hearing at the District Court (PN) of Kediri Regency, has reportedly been suspended from his position as Head of Tarokan Village. Information about the temporary dismissal came from Basthomi, one of the officials at the Village Government Community Empowerment Service (DPMPD) of Kediri Regency, when met at his office on Thursday (June 11, 2020). “It was temporarily suspended in early June,” Basthomi said.
However, when the media asked to show the temporary dismissal letter, Basthomi refused and claimed the letter had been delivered to Supadi. When asked the reason for his dismissal, Basthomi claimed to be under sentence of five years. “The threat is 10 years,” said Basthomi.
Related to the possibility of being dismissed from his position if the verdict of Kediri District Court judge reached 6 months so that he was unable to carry out his duties for 6 months in a row, Basthomi said that it (dismissed, red), if it did not carry out the task for six consecutive months without reason. “If you undergo a crime, it means that there is a reason for serving a sentence,” said Basthomi.
When told that in Perda No. 8 of 2015 concerning the Election of Village Heads, there is no ‘No Reason’ language. Basthomi replied that after the trial was over, it would be held up again. “Yes, it will be closed again after the trial,” he said.
However, if in the District Court decision Kediri Supadi was released free, then Supadi has the right to continue to occupy his position as Head of Tarokan Village. (mam)
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