KEDIRI – Supadi, Kandidat Bakal Calon Bupati Kediri, Rabu (19/2/20) dijemput paksa oleh tim Polres Kediri di rumahnya Desa Tarokan, Kecamatan Tarokan, sekitar pukul 17.30 karena tidak segera hadir dalam pemanggilan kedua untuk diperiksa sebagai tersangka dalam kasus dugaan penggunaan gelar SE palsu. Dia dijemput paksa sesaat setelah pulang dari luar kota. “Ya…. tadi ada banyak mobil polisi datang,”ujar Ir, salah seorang warga.
Seperti diberitakan, terkait kasus dugaan gelar SE palsu, Supadi sudah dua kali dipanggil Polres Kediri Kota. Pada panggilan pertama, dia tidak hadir. Pada panggilan kedua, dia tidak hadir dan diberi toleransi karena umroh. Sepulang dari umroh, 14 Februari, Supadi juga tidak segera mendatangi Polres Kediri Kota untuk memenuhi pemanggilan pemeriksaan, hingga dilakukan pemanggilan ketiga sekaligus jemput paksa.
Sebelumnya, Supadi sempat menjelaskan bahwa SE itu bukan gelar, tapi singkatan dari nama baiat dia, yaitu Subari Erlangga dan nama Subari Erlangga sudah memiliki surat ketetapan dari Pengadilan Negeri Kediri.
Kapolres Kota Kediri AKBP Miko Indrayana saat dikonfirmasi malam hari melalui saluran whatsap, belum memberikan jawaban. Begitu juga dengan Humas Polres Kediri Kota, AKP Kamsudi, juga belum memberikan jawaban.
Saat mendatangi Mako Polres Kediri Kota, Supadi memang sedang dalam pemeriksaan, yang ditunggui keluarganya dan beberapa tim pemenangannya. “Masih diperiksa mas, jangan diganggu,”ujar salah seorang anggota Polres Kediri Kota.
Hingga berita ini ditulis, sekitar pukul 22.00, belum ada kejelasan apakah Supadi akan ditahan atau tidak.
Siang sebelum ada kabar jemput paksa, Ketua DPC Partai Gerindra Arif Junaidi, mengaku kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan Supadi terkait kelanjutan proses pendaftaran dia di Partai Gerindra sebagai bakal calon Bupati Kediri yang sudah mengikuti uji publik. “Saya sudah beberapa hari ini tidak bisa komunikasi, dihubungi sulit,”kata Arif. (mam)
Supadi Forced Picked up
KEDIRI – Supadi, Candidate for Candidate for Kediri Regent on Wednesday (2/19/20) was forcibly picked up by the Kediri Police Team at his home in Tarokan Village, Tarokan District, around 17:30 because he was not immediately present in the second summons to be examined as a suspect in a suspected use case fake SE title. He was forcibly picked up shortly after returning from out of town. “Yes … there were lots of police cars coming,” said Ir, one of the residents.
As reported, related to cases of alleged fake SE titles, Supadi has been called twice by the Kediri City Police Station. At the first call, he was absent. On the second call, he was absent and tolerated because of Umrah. After returning from Umrah, February 14, Supadi also did not immediately go to the Kediri City Police Station to fulfill the summons for the examination, until a third summon was also carried out by force pick-up.
Previously, Supadi had explained that the SE was not a title, but an abbreviation of his bai’at name, namely Subari Erlangga and the name Subari Erlangga already had a decree from the Kediri District Court.
Kediri City Police Chief AKBP Miko Indrayana when confirmed at night through the whatsap channel, has not provided an answer. Likewise with the Public Relations Police of Kediri City, AKP Kamsudi, also has not provided an answer.
When came to Mako Kediri City Police Station, Supadi was indeed under investigation, which was accompanied by his family and several winning teams. “Still being questioned, mas, do not be disturbed,” said a member of the Kediri City Police Resort.
Until this news was written, around 22:00, there was no explanation whether Supadi would be arrested or not.
The afternoon before there was news of a forced pick-up, Gerindra Party DPC Chairman Arif Junaidi, admitted that he had difficulty communicating with Supadi regarding the continuation of his registration process in the Gerindra Party as a prospective candidate for the Kediri Regent who had followed the public test. “I have been unable to communicate for several days, contacting is difficult,” Arif said. (mam)
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