KEDIRI- Suherman, mantan Camat Kras, dituntut 18 bulan atau 1,5 tahun penjara oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Tommi Marwanto SH dalam persidangan lanjutan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kabupaten Kediri, Senin (25/1/21). Suherman hanya dijerat satu pasal, yaitu penipuan atau pasal 378 KUHP. Hal yang dinilai memberatkan antara lain, terdakwa Suherman tidak mengakui perbuatannya dan dinilai berbelit-belit dalam persidangan. “Sebelumnya, dijerat pasal alternative penggelapan dan penipuan. Setelah mendengarkan saksi-saksi, lebih tepat ke dugaan penipuan,”ujar Tommi, ditemui awak media usai persidangan.
Seperti diberitakan, Suherman, mantan Camat Kras, dilaporkan polisi karena dugaan penggelapan dan penipuan saat dia menjadi Camat Kras, terkait dengan pengisian perangkat desa di wilayah Kecamatan Kras. Padahal, mereka sudah membayar puluhan juta. Namun, Suherman membantah soal tuduhan tersebut.
Sementara itu, Penasehat Hukum (PH) Suherman, Sutrisno SH, usai persidangan menjelaskan Suherman tidak berbelit-belit dalam persidangan. Dia sangat kooperatif. Penilaian jaksa terkait kliennya yang berbelit-belit, itu adalah hak jaksa. “Terdakwa sangat kooperatif dalam persidangan. Tidak pernah berbelit-belit. Tapi itu hak jaksa untuk menilai,”kata Sutrisno.
Sutrisno meyakini, jika majelis hakim fair dalam memutuskan kasus ini, kliennya seharusnya bisa bebas. Karena berdasarkan fakta-fakta persidangan dan keterangan saksi, sangat menguntungkan terdakwa. “Saya yakin, terdakwa bisa bebas kalau dilihat dari fakta-fakta selama persidangan,”tandasnya. (mam)
Suherman Sued 1.5 Years
KEDIRI- Suherman, a former head of the Kras sub-district, was charged with 18 months or 1.5 years in prison by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Tommi Marwanto SH in a further trial at the Kediri District Court (PN), Monday (25/1/21). Suherman was charged with only one article, namely fraud or article 378 of the Criminal Code. Things that were deemed burdensome included, the defendant Suherman did not admit to his actions and was considered convoluted in the trial. “Previously, he was charged with alternative embezzlement and fraud. After hearing the witnesses, it is more accurate to suspect fraud, ”said Tommi, when met by the media crew after the trial.
As reported, Suherman, the former head of the Kras sub-district, was reported by the police for alleged embezzlement and fraud when he was the head of the Kras sub-district, related to charging village officials in the Kras sub-district. In fact, they have already paid tens of millions. However, Suherman denied the allegations.
Meanwhile, Suherman’s Legal Counsel, Sutrisno SH, after the trial explained that Suherman was not convoluted in the trial. He is very cooperative. The prosecutor’s judgment regarding his client is convoluted, it is the prosecutor’s right. “The defendant was very cooperative in the trial. Never be convoluted. But it is the prosecutor’s right to judge, “said Sutrisno.
Sutrisno believed, if the panel of judges had been fair in deciding this case, his client should be able to go free. Because based on the facts of the trial and the testimony of the witnesses, it was very beneficial for the defendant. “I am sure that the defendant can be free from the facts during the trial,” he said. (mam)
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