KEDIRI – Stok darah di kantor Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kota Kediri turun sekitar 70 persen selama Maret 2020 atau bersamaan dengan mulai merebaknya wabah Corona di Indonesia, termasuk Kediri. PMI Kota Kediri masih terus berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan stok darah agar pasien yang terawat di rumah sakit-rumah sakit tidak sampai kehabisan darah. Berbagai cara dilakukan, agar stok darah meningkat dan kebutuhan darah tercukupi. “Ya, memang ada penurunan stok hampir sekitar 70 persen,”ujar dr. Hendrakso Saputro, kepala PMI Kota Kediri melalui dr. Irene, Kasi Transfusi darah.
Bersamaan dengan mewabahnya virus Corona itu, PMI Kota Kediri terus berusaha melakukan berbagai upaya agar pasien bisa terbantu dengan baik. Upaya keras PMI ini, mendapat support dari PT Gudang Garam Tbk, berupa sebuah mobil ambulance untuk pasien, guna menunjang mobilitas dan kinerja PMI Kota Kediri.
Mobil ambulan dari GG itu dilengkapi dengan peralatan medis darurat seperti tabung oksigen, Nasal Kanul (selang bantu pernafasan yang diletakan pada lubang hidung), kotak obat gantung, bangku pengiring, wastafel, hingga tabung pemadam kebakaran. Spesifikasi ini sesuai dengan kebutuhan PMI untuk menunjang operasional.
Direktur SDM dan Pelayanan Umum PT Gudang Garam Tbk. Susanto Widiatmoko mengatakan saat ini dibutuhkan peran semua pihak dalam penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19. “Ini kesempatan yang cukup membanggakan bagi kami untuk dapat berkontribusi, memberikan sedikit bantuan yang mudah-mudahan bermanfaat, bisa mendukug kinerja PMI Kota Kediri,” kata Susanto, saat serah terima bantuan mobil untuk PMI melalui Wali Kota Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar di Kantor PMI Kota Kediri, Senin 6 April 2020. Hadir pada acara itu antara lain Kepala PMI Kota Kediri, dr. Indrakso Saputro dan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Siswanto.
Sementara itu, Mas Abu juga mengapresiasi dukungan GG dalam penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Kediri. Mobil ambulan ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi PMI untuk menjaga pasokan darah. “Tentu ambulan ini akan sangat bermanfaat, saat ini kita disibukkan dengan pandemi Covid-19,” kata Mas Abu.
Mas Abu juga berharap GG bisa membantu menjaga stok darah yang dikelola PMI Kota Kediri selama masa pandemi Covid-19 berlangsung. “Saya berharap, kalau ada, karyawan Gudang Garam lima orang bergilir untuk donor,” katanya.
Selain dihadiri Direktur dan Wali Kota Kediri, penyerahan bantuan ambulan ini juga disaksikan Ketua PMI Kota Kediri Dr. Indrakso Suprapto serta Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Kediri Siswanto. (bad)
Blood Stock Drops 70 Percent, GG Helps Ambulance
KEDIRI – Blood stock in the Kediri City Red Cross (PMI) office fell by around 70 percent during March 2020, or at the same time as Corona outbreaks began to spread in Indonesia, including Kediri. The PMI of Kediri City continues to strive to meet the needs of blood stock so that patients treated in hospitals do not bleed. Various methods are used, so that blood stock increases and blood needs are fulfilled. “Yes, there is indeed a decrease in stock of almost about 70 percent,” said Dr. Hendrakso Saputro, head of the Kediri City PMI through Dr. Irene, Head of Blood Transfusion.
Along with the outbreak of the Corona virus, PMI Kota Kediri continues to make various efforts so that patients can be helped properly. This PMI hard effort, received support from PT Gudang Garam Tbk, in the form of an ambulance for patients, to support the mobility and performance of the Kediri City PMI.
The ambulance car from GG was equipped with emergency medical equipment such as oxygen cylinders, Nasal Kanul (breathing aid hoses placed in the nostrils), hanging medicine boxes, accompaniment benches, sinks, to fire extinguisher tubes. This specification is in accordance with PMI needs to support operations.
Director of Human Resources and General Services of PT Gudang Garam Tbk. Susanto Widiatmoko said that currently the role of all parties was needed in the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. “This is a proud enough opportunity for us to be able to contribute, to give a little help that is hopefully useful, to support the performance of the City of Kediri PMI,” Susanto said, during the handover of car assistance to PMI through the Mayor of Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar at the City PMI Office Kediri, Monday, April 6, 2020. Present at the event included the Head of the PMI of Kediri City, dr. Indrakso Saputro and Head of the Siswanto Education Office.
Meanwhile, Mas Abu also appreciated GG’s support in the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in Kediri City. This ambulance will be very beneficial for PMI to maintain blood supply. “Of course this ambulance will be very useful, now we are busy with the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Mas Abu.
Mas Abu also hopes that GG can help maintain the blood stock managed by the Kediri City PMI during the Covid-19 pandemic. “I hope, if there are any, employees of Gudang Garam will rotate five donors,” he said.
Besides being attended by the Director and Mayor of Kediri, the delivery of this ambulance was also witnessed by the Chairman of the Kediri City PMI Dr. Indrakso Suprapto and Head of the Kediri City Education Office Siswanto. (bad)
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