SSB Persik Mengaku Rugi Sekitar Rp 82 Juta


KEDIRI – Manajemen SSB Persik, mengaku diprediksi dalam satu tahun selama 2020 ini, akan rugi sekitar Rp 82 juta. Kondisi itu, sesuai dengan Rancangan Anggaran Belanja (RAB) yang yang dibuat sejak awal hingga akhir tahun nanti. Sedangkan sekarang, diperkirakan kerugiannya sudah sekitar Rp 32 juta. “RAB-nya SSB rugi 82 juta sampai akhir tahun nanti,”ujar Andi, yang mengaku salah satu pengurus SSB Persik, saat dikonfirmasi bersama beberapa temannya di area Setonogedong, Jumat, 30 Juli 2020.

SUDAH LAPORAN : Andi, salah satu pengurus SSB Persik Kediri

Saad Subhan sendiri, manajer SSB Persik,  saat pertemuan untuk konfirmasi itu tidak muncul. Beberapa di antara mereka ada yang mengaku dari LSM, dari Media, dan pengurus SSB. Juga belum terjelaskan, siapa yang akan menutupi Rp 82 juta itu. Pengurus SSB?

Andi sempat mengaku dia yang membuat RAB itu dan laporannya sudah selalu disampaikan ke Presiden PT yang menaungi Persik, yaitu Abdul Hakim. Hanya saja, saat pertemuan itu Andi tidak membawa berkas-berkas administrasi yang mereka miliki, karena semuanya dibawa Saad.

Menurut Andi, uang Rp 1 juta yang diberikan para siswa itu tidak sepenuhnya untuk perlengkapan siswa, seperti kaos, jaket, kaos kaki, dan sebagainya, tetapi juga untuk operasional seperti membayar pelatih dan crew lapangan lain. Saat ditanya apakah untuk operasional tidak dari iuran Rp 300 ribu per bulan dari 234 siswa?  Andi membenarkan, tetapi uang dari siswa itu tidak cukup, karena ada siswa yang belum membayar. Sehingga diambilkan dari dana Rp 1 juta itu. Hanya saja, berapa prosentase siswa yang belum membayar, Andi mengaku lupa. “Ada kok catatannya semua dan sudah kita laporkan,”jelasnya, yang juga sempat mengaku sebagai petugas wira-wira di lapangan itu.

Usai pertemuan, Andi sempat memberikan nomor HP-nya untuk komunikasi dan dia menjanjikan akan menunjukkan data-datanya. Namun, malam hari ketika dihubungi lagi melalui saluran whatsap, dari nomor itu menjawab. “Salah nomor kayaknya,”jawabnya.

Saat dijelaskan bahwa nomor itu adalah nomor yang diberikan saat pertemuan di Setonogedong dan saat ditanya lagi itu nomor siapa, tidak ada jawaban.

Sementara itu, presiden PT yang menaungi Persik, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap, juga belum memberikan balasan.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, para siswa SSB Persik merasa resah dan menuntut agar perlengkapan siswa seperti jaket, kaos kaki, dan sebagainya segera dipenuhi oleh manajemen. Karena mereka sudah membayar Rp 1 juta sejak awal, tetapi hingga kini perlengkapan itu belum dipenuhi secara tuntas. (mam)

SSB Persik Claims a Loss of around Rp 82 Million

KEDIRI – Management of SSB Persik, admitted that it is predicted that in one year during 2020, it will lose around Rp. 82 million. The condition is in accordance with the Budget Plan (RAB) which was made from the beginning to the end of the year. Whereas now, the estimated loss is around Rp 32 million. “SSB’s RAB lost 82 million until the end of the year,” said Andi, who claimed to be a member of the Persik SSB management, when confirmed with several friends in the Setonogedong area, Friday, July 30, 2020.

Saad Subhan himself, manager of SSB Persik, when the meeting for confirmation did not appear. Some of them claimed to be from NGOs, from the media, and the management of SSB.

Andi had claimed he had made the RAB and the report had always been conveyed to the President of the PT who oversaw Persik, namely Abdul Hakim. However, during the meeting Andi did not bring the administrative documents that they had, because everything was brought by Saad.

According to Andi, the Rp 1 million money given by the students was not entirely for student equipment, such as t-shirts, jackets, socks, etc., but also for operations such as paying trainers and other field crews. When asked whether the operational fee is not from IDR 300 thousand per month from 234 students? Andi confirmed, but the money from students was not enough, because there were students who had not yet paid. So it was taken from the Rp 1 million fund. It’s just what percentage of students who have not paid, Andi claimed to forget. “There are all the records and we have reported them,” he explained, who also claimed to be an officer in the field.

After the meeting, Andi had given his cellphone number for communication and he promised to show the data. However, at night when contacted again via whatsap channel, from that number answered. “I think the number is wrong,” he replied.

When it was explained that the number was the number given at the meeting in Setonogedong and when asked again who was the number, there was no answer.

Meanwhile, the PT president who oversees Persik, when confirmed through whatsap channels, also did not give a reply.

As reported previously, SSB Persik students felt uneasy and demanded that students’ equipment such as jackets, socks, and so on be immediately met by management. Because they have paid Rp. 1 million from the start, but until now the equipment has not been completely fulfilled. (mam)

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