KEDIRI – Dana bantuan untuk seluruh ketua RT di Kota Kediri yang dianggarkan APBD 2019, tampaknya benar-benar senyap. Ketua forum komunikasi RT/RW se-Kota Kediri, Agung Pribadi, mengaku belum tahu soal adanya bantuan untuk para ketua RT se-Kota Kediri yang dianggarkan di APBD. “Saya belum tahu. Saya malah baru dengar dari berita-berita dan pembicaraan beberapa ketua RT,”ujar Agung Pribadi, saat ditemui (10/2/20).
Seperti diberitakan, para seluruh ketua RT di Kota Kediri dianggarkan di APBD 2019 untuk mendapatkan bantuan non tunai atau belanja tidak langsung berupa barang. Nilainya bervariasi, antara sekitar Rp 1 juta sampai Rp 49 juta. Bantuan ini langsung atasnama ketua RT secara pribadi, di luar prodamas yang diterima secara kelembagaan untuk warga. Sementara Polresta Kediri sudah mulai Pulbaket (mengumpulkan bahan keterangan) untuk melakukan penyelidikan masalah ini.
Agung menjelaskan, pihaknya akan melakukan koordinasi dengan bagian pemerintahan agar ada rapat pengurus Forum RT/RW se-Kota Kediri terkait persoalan ini, agar pengurus forum mendapatkan info yg benar dan dapat diteruskan kepada semua Ketua RT/RW lingkup kelurahan masing masing. “Biar lebih jelas duduk persoalannya. Kalau memang ada ya biar segera diberikan. Tapi ini kan sudah masuk anggaran 2020. Ya pokok nanti kita minta rapatkanlah,”tandas Agung.
Hanya saja, Agung belum bisa memastikan kapan rapat itu akan dilaksanakan. Dia masih melakukan koordinasi dengan pengurus paguyuban yang lain. Secara total, jumlah ketua RT di Kota Kediri ada 1.478 ketua RT dan 330 ketua RW. “Sesegera mungkin kita rapatkan,”jelasnya. (mam)
Senyap, Chairperson of the Communication Forum
Also Doesn’t Know Help from Chairperson of RT
KEDIRI – The funding assistance for all RT heads in Kediri City, which was budgeted by the 2019 APBD, seems to be completely silent. Chairman of the RT / RW communication forum in the City of Kediri, Agung Pribadi, claimed not to know about the existence of assistance for RT heads in the City of Kediri that were budgeted in the APBD. “I do not know. I just heard from the news and talks of several RT heads, “said Agung Pribadi, when met by (10/02/20).
As reported, all RT heads in Kediri City are budgeted in the 2019 APBD to get non-cash assistance or indirect purchases of goods. The value varies, between around Rp. 1 million to Rp. 49 million. This assistance is directly for the RT head personally, outside of the products received institutionally for residents. While the Kediri Police Station has begun Pulbaket (collecting information material) to investigate this issue.
Agung explained, his party would coordinate with the government so that there would be a meeting of the board members of the RT / RW Forum throughout the City of Kediri related to this issue, so that the forum administrators got the correct information and could be passed on to all RT / RW Chairpersons in the scope of their respective villages. “Let me be clear about the problem. If there really is, let me give it immediately. But this is already included in the 2020 budget. Yes, later, we will ask to close it together, “said Agung.
However, Agung was not sure when the meeting would take place. He is still coordinating with other community leaders. In total, there were 1,478 RT heads and 330 RW heads in the City of Kediri. “As soon as possible we close,” he explained. (mam)
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