KEDIRI – Ribuan karyawan PT Gudang Garam Tbk, tetap dibolehkan masuk kerja seperti biasanya, yang berarti potensi berkumpulnya ribuan karyawan dalam satu tempat masih terus berlangsung. Berbeda dengan kebijakan Walikota Kediri yang menutup seluruh tempat ibadah dan melarang melakukan sholat Jumat di masjid-masjid. Padahal jika diperbandingkan, rentang waktu berkumpul massa di masjid dan pabrik GG, jauh lebih panjang di GG yaitu sekitar 8 jam. Sedangkan untuk sholat Jumat hanya sekitar 30 menit. Soal jumlah massa, di GG bisa ribuan orang. Sedang di masjid hanya sekitar 100 sampai 200 orang.
Juru bicara pencegahan Corona Kota Kediri, Fauzan Adhima, yang juga Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran Whatsap menjelaskan, untuk penutupan pabrik, mall, Rumah sakit belum dilakukan. Masih dipertimbangkan. “Yang jelas, kalau mall atau pabrik atau RS masih melakukan aktifitas yang berpotensi memgumpulkan orang banyak, sudah kita syaratkan untuk melakukan protokol kesehatan yaitu : screening dg pemeriksaan suhu tubuh, penyediaan fasilitas cuci tangan pakai sabun atau hand sanitizer dan social / physical distancing, jaga jarak minimal 1 meter,”ujar Fauzan.
Soal perbedaan kebijakan, jamaah sholat jumat dan pengajian dilarang, sedangkan kumpulan karyawan dalam jumlah lebih besar diperbolehkan? Fauzan menjawab “Itu kan kesepakatan Pemkot dengan MUI dengan FKUB. Sampaen doakan saja nanti ada kesepakatan Pemkot dengan pelaku UMKM atau pengusaha atau direktur rumah sakit. Kalo rumah sakit tutup, tidak boleh ada karyawan yang bekerja, terus yang menangani pasien siapa ?,” ujar Fauzan.
Fauzan menambahkan, semua berbeda fungsinya. Tapi semuanya sama, tempat berkumpulnya orang banyak. Karena fungsi yang berbeda itu, makanya penanganannyapun berbeda, tdk bisa disamakan. “Kesimpulannya, ada tahapan-tahapan penanganan, tergantung urgensi dan dampak kepada kemaslahatan bersama,”jelasnya.
Sementara itu, saat melakukan konfirmasi ke call center pencegahan Corona Pemkot Kediri, menjelaskan bahwa “GG memang masih beropearasi dan sudah menjalankan protokol pencegahan covid-19. Semua karyawan dilakukan cek suhu tubuh, dipantau secara ketat, dan dilakukan pembersihan dan desinfeksi secara rutin,”jawabnya. (mam)
Thousands of GG Employees Stay in
KEDIRI – Thousands of employees of PT Gudang Garam Tbk, are still allowed to come to work as usual, which means the potential gathering of thousands of employees in one place is still ongoing. It is different from the policy of the Mayor of Kediri which closes all places of worship and prohibits Friday prayers at mosques. However, when compared, the time span of mass gatherings in the mosque and GG factory, is much longer in GG, which is around 8 hours. Whereas for Friday prayers only about 30 minutes. About the number of masses, in the GG can be thousands of people. While in the mosque only around 100 to 200 people.
A spokesman for the prevention of Corona City of Kediri, Fauzan Adhima, who is also the Head of the Kediri City Health Service, when confirmed via Whatsap channel explained, for the closure of factories, malls, hospitals has not been done. Still being considered. “What is clear, if the mall or factory or hospital is still doing activities that have the potential to gather a lot of people, we have required to do health protocols, namely: screening dg body temperature examination, the provision of hand washing facilities using soap or hand sanitizer and social / physical distancing, guard minimum distance of 1 meter, “said Fauzan.
Concerning policy differences, Friday prayers and recitals are prohibited, while larger groups of employees are allowed? Fauzan answered “That’s the agreement between the City Government and MUI with FKUB. Just pray that there will be an agreement between the City Government and SMEs or business people or hospital directors. If the hospital closes, there should not be employees who work, then who treats patients? “Fauzan said.
Fauzan added, all have different functions. But all the same, a gathering place for many people. Because of the different functions, so the handling is different, it cannot be equated. “In conclusion, there are stages of handling, depending on the urgency and impact on mutual benefit,” he explained.
Meanwhile, when confirmed the Corona City Kediri City Corona Prevention Call Center, explaining that “GG is indeed operating and has already run covid-19 prevention protocol. All employees are checked for body temperature, closely monitored, and regularly cleaned and disinfected, “he answered. (mam)
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