Rest Area Ambruk, Kejaksaan Perlu Turun Lapangan


MENCURIGAKAN : Roy Kurnia Irawan, LSM GNPK Kediri, mencurigai adanya ketidakberesan dalam pembangunan rest area di kawasan wisata Dolo, Mojo, yang ambruk

KEDIRI – Ambruknya bangunan rest area di kawasan wisata Dolo, Mojo, senilai Rp 3,5 miliar lebih, padahal bangunan itu belum sempat dipakai, akhirnya menjadi perhatian luas masyarakat. Ketua Gerakan Nasional Pemberantasan Korupsi (GNPK) Kediri, Roy Kurnia Irawan, meminta agar Kejaksaan Kabupaten Kediri mau turun ke lapangan untuk mengecek langsung kondisi lapangan bangunan itu. Karena hampir pasti bangunan itu bermasalah.

“Melihat kondisi bangunan seperti itu, masyarakat awam pun bisa menilai kalau kualitasnya rendah, yakin tidak sesuai dengan bestek atau RAB (Rencana Anggaran Belanja,red). Kalau kasus seperti itu terus dibiarkan, sangat mungkin akan banyak proyek yang penggarapannya asal-asalan,”ujar Roy.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, bangunan utama rest area di kawasan wisata Dolo, Mojo, ambruk hingga rata setelah diterjang angin. Padahal, beberapa bangunan gazebo di sekitarnya aman-aman saja. Secara alamiah, ranting-ranting pohon di sekitarnya tidak ada yang patah atau rusak karena angin sebagaimana terjadi saat angin kencang atau puting beliung.

Terkait soal proyek itu dalam pengawalan TP4 (Tim Pengawal, Pengaman Pemerintahan, dan Pembangunan Daerah,red) yang di dalamnya termasuk kejaksaan negeri, Roy meyakini kejaksaan tidak pernah melakukan pengawalan langsung ke lapangan, hanya menerima laporan. Sehingga kurang tahu kondisi lapangan yang sebenarnya.

“Dengan masuknya kejaksaan di TP4D, banyak kontraktor dan proyek yang seakan berlindung di belakang kejaksaan. Membangun asal-asalan, karena yakin tidak akan diperiksa kejaksaan. Karena kejaksaan sudah masuk dalam tim. Situasi ini berbahaya bagi pembangunan daerah,”jelasnya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Kabupaten Kediri, Muhammad Rohmadi, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap menjelaskan, pihaknya belum melakukan pemeriksaan kasus tersebut, karena masalahnya masih dalam pemeriksaan inspektorat. “Kemarin infonya sudah ditangani inspektorat, untuk mengetahui penyebab robohnya apakah pada waktu perencanaan, pada waktu pelaksanaan, atau faktor lain. Kita tunggu hasilnya,”ujar Rohmadi. (mam)

Collapsed Rest Area, Prosecutors’ Office Needs to Go Down in the Field

KEDIRI – The collapse of the rest area building in the tourist area of ​​Dolo, Mojo, valued at more than Rp. 3.5 billion, even though the building had not yet been used, has finally become a widespread public concern. The Chairperson of the Kediri Corruption Eradication National Movement (GNPK), Roy Kurnia Irawan, requested that the Kediri District Attorney Office want to go to the field to check directly the condition of the building field. Because it is almost certain that the building has a problem.
“Seeing the condition of the building like that, ordinary people can judge that the quality is low, sure it is not in accordance with bestek or RAB (Budget Plan, ed). If such cases continue to be ignored, it is very likely that there will be many projects that are used carelessly, “said Roy.
As reported previously, the main building of the rest area in the tourist area of ​​Dolo, Mojo, collapsed until it was flat after being hit by the wind. In fact, some of the surrounding gazebo buildings are safe. Naturally, the branches of the surrounding trees are not broken or damaged by the wind as occurs when strong winds or tornadoes.
Regarding the project in escorting TP4 (Team Guards, Government Safeguards, and Regional Development, ed) which includes the state prosecutor’s office, Roy believes that the attorney has never conducted a direct escort to the field, only receiving reports. So that people do not know the actual field conditions.
“With the entry of the prosecutor’s office in TP4D, many contractors and projects seemed to take cover behind the prosecutor’s office. Building carelessly, because it sure will not be examined by the prosecutor’s office. Because the prosecutors’ office is on the team. This situation is dangerous for regional development, “he explained.
Meanwhile, Head of the District Attorney’s Office in Kediri, Muhammad Rohmadi, when confirmed through whatsap channel explained that his party had not yet examined the case, because the problem was still under the inspection of the inspectorate. “Yesterday the information was handled by the inspectorate, to find out the cause of the collapse whether at the time of planning, at the time of implementation, or other factors. We are waiting for the results, “said Rohmadi. (mam)

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