PT Mekar Jaya Beton Disegel Warga


KEDIRI – PT Mekar Jaya Beton (MJB) di Desa Ngebrak, Kec. Gampengrejo, disegel warga (10/2/20) karena habis masa kontraknya dan dikhawatirkan akan terjadi kecelakaan seperti tabung silow yang meledak hingga mengganggu warga. “Tahun 2017 tabungnya pernah meledak, situasinya seperti gunung meletus, abu semen sampai ke rumah warga sangat tebal,”ujar Samsul Munir, salah seorang warga, saat ditemui kediripost.

Proses penyegelan itu bermula dari aksi demonstrasi ratusan warga ke Balaidesa Ngebrak yang menuntut agar Kepala Desa  Ngebrak, Saeroji, tidak melanjutkan atau menambah masa kontrak penggunaan lahan milik desa itu digunakan untuk produksi PT. MJB yang berakhir 8 Februari 2020. Apalagi, pada kontrak dua tahunan yang ke-dua, mulai 2018-2020, Badan Perwakilan Desa (BPD) juga tidak dilibatkan.

Dalam aksinya, mereka membawa sejumlah poster yang menuntut agar kontrak dengan PT MJB dihentikan. Akhirnya, warga difalitasi untuk melakukan rembuk di balaidesa, yang dihadiri Kapolsek Gampengrejo, Danramil, dan kepala desa. Hasilnya, mereka tidak menemukan kesepakatan. Karena jengkel, warga akhirnya ‘mensegel’ pabrik itu dengan poster-poster yang mereka bawa untuk demonstrasi.

Sebenarnya, pada 12 Oktober 2017, PT MJB yang diwakili Piet Hendrawan, sudah melakukan kesepakatan dengan warga untuk tidak memperpanjang kontrak produksi di lokasi tersebut setelah berakhir pada 2018. Namun dalam kenyataannya, kontrak tetap diperpanjang. Bahkan infonya, mereka juga akan memperpanjang sampai 2022. “Kesepakan di Mapolsek Gampengrejo saat itu, kontrak tidak akan diperpanjang lagi,”tandas Munir.

Berkaitan dengan produksi PT. MJB ini, sebenarnya sudah berkali-kali terjadi masalah dengan warga, tetapi masalah itu selalu diabaikan hingga terjadi demo warga ini. Bahkan somasi hukum, peringatan hukum yang pernah dilayangkan, seakan tidak ada artinya. (mam)


PT Mekar Jaya Beton Sealed Residents

KEDIRI – PT Mekar Jaya Beton (MJB) in Ngebrak Village, Kec. Gampengrejo, sealed by residents (10/02/20) because the contract period has expired and it is feared that there will be accidents like silow tubes that explode to disturb residents. “In 2017 the canister had exploded, the situation was like a volcano erupting, the ash of the cement reaching the residents’ houses was very thick,” said Samsul Munir, one of the residents, when met by Kediripost.
The sealing process began with a demonstration of hundreds of residents to the Balaidesa Ngebrak who demanded that the Ngebrak Village Head, Saeroji, not continue or increase the contract period for the use of the land owned by the village to be used for the production of PT. MJB ended on February 8, 2020. Moreover, in the second biennial contract, starting in 2018-2020, the Village Representative Body (BPD) was also not involved.
In the action, they brought a number of posters demanding that the contract with PT MJB be terminated. Finally, residents were facilitated to hold talks in the balaidesa, which was attended by the Kapampek Gampengrejo, Danramil, and the village head. As a result, they did not find an agreement. Out of annoyance, residents finally ‘sealed’ the factory with posters they brought for demonstrations.
Actually, on October 12, 2017, PT MJB, represented by Piet Hendrawan, had made an agreement with residents not to extend the production contract at the location after it ended in 2018. But in reality, the contract was still extended. Even the information, they will also extend until 2022. “The agreement at the Gampengrejo Police Station at that time, the contract will not be extended again,” said Munir.
Related to the production of PT. This MJB, actually has been a problem many times with residents, but the problem is always ignored until this citizen demonstration occurs. Even legal subpoena, legal warnings ever posted, as if there is no meaning. (mam)

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