KEDIRI – Sejumlah perangkat Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri, mulai Panitia Pemilihan Kecamatan, Panitia Pemungutan Suara (PPS) di tingkat desa, Panitia Pengawas Kecamatan (Panwascam) dan desa, mulai 1 April 2020 akan dibekukan sementara, terkait dengan penundaan tahapan Pilkada serentak, termasuk pemilihan Bupati/ Waki Bupati Kediri.
Juru bicara Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kabupaten Kediri, Nanang Qosim, membenarkan adanya pembekuan PPK dan PPS itu mulai 1 April 2020, sambil menunggu perkembangan lebih lanjut. “Seluruh badan adhoc dibekukan. Itu perintah KPU pusat,”ujar Nanang.
Hal serupa disampaikan oleh Ali Mashudi, anggota Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri. Ali menjelaskan, bahwa sejak 1 Apri 2020, Panwascam dan Pengawas Desa dibekukan, berdasarkan perintah Bawaslu pusat.
Terkait dengan isu Pilkada akan ditunda hingga satu tahun ke depan, Ali mengaku belum ada kepastian. Karena dalam UU Pilkada yang sekarang, tidak mengatur opsi penundaan Pilkada. “Penundaan atau mundurnya Pilkada harus ada dasar regulasinya. Bisa jadi Revisi UU Pilkada atau dengan Perpu,”tambah Ali. (mam)
PPK and Panwascam Frozen. Election Postponed?
KEDIRI – A number of Kediri district election instruments, starting from the District Election Committee, the Voting Committee (PPS) at the village level, the District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) and villages, from 1 April 2020 will be temporarily frozen, related to the postponement of the simultaneous regional election, including the election of the Regent / Deputy Chief of Kediri District.
Spokesperson for the General Election Commission (KPU) of Kediri Regency, Nanang Qosim, confirmed the existence of the PPK and PPS freeze starting April 1, 2020, pending further developments. “The entire adhoc body is frozen. That’s the order of the central KPU, “said Nanang.
The same thing was said by Ali Mashudi, a member of the Bawaslu of Kediri Regency. Ali explained that since 1 Apri 2020, Panwascam and Village Supervisors were frozen, based on orders from the central Bawaslu.
Regarding the issue of the local election which will be postponed for the next one year, Ali claimed there is no certainty. Because in the current Pilkada Law, it does not regulate the postponement of the Pilkada option. “The delay or withdrawal of the elections must have a basis for regulation. It could be a revision of the Election Law or with a Perpu, “Ali added. (mam)
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