KEDIRI –Bantuan kepada seluruh ketua RT di Kota Kediri 2019 di luar Prodamas, ada wacana akan diselidiki oleh Polres Kediri Kota, setelah adanya pengakuan para ketua RT yang mengaku tidak mengetahui, tidak tahu, dan merasa tidak pernah menerima bantuan itu, baik berupa uang maupun barang. “Belum ada. Tapi coba nanti akan kita selidiki dulu,”ujar Kapolres Kediri Kota, AKBP Mikro Indrayana, di sela-sela acara pengobatan Gratis di Desa Manyaran, Kecamatan Banyakan, Rabu (5 Februari).
Seperti diberitakan, seluruh ketua RT di Kota Kediri dianggarkan untuk mendapatkan bantuan di APBD 2019, yang nilainya masing-masing antara Rp 1 juta sampai sekitar Rp 50 juta. Masing-masing ketua RT besarannya tidak sama. Anggaran bantuan untuk ketua RT di luar program prodamas itu, juga muncul di APBD 2020 ini. Jumlah semakin fantastis, mulai sekitar Rp 2 juta sampai Rp 159 juta.
Meski demikian, Kapolresta Miko Indrayana mengaku pihaknya belum mendapatkan informasi yang jelas terkait masalah bantuan kepada seluruh ketua RT di Kota Kediri itu. Sehingga pihaknya masih perlu menggali informasi lebih jauh.
Sementara itu, Moch, salah satu ketua RT di Kelurahan Tamanan, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Mengaku kaget dengan adanya anggaran bantuan kepada para ketua RT itu. “Sumpah saya tidak pernah dengar dan tidak pernah menerima. Mungkin itu ditanyakan ke Lurah yang tahu,”ujarnya, saat ditemui
Hal serupa diungkapkan Do, salah satu sekretaris RT di Kelurahan Ketami, Kecamatan Pesantren. Dia juga mengaku tidak pernah mendengar adanya bantuan itu ke ketua RT. “Saya barusan tanya ke ketua RT, dia juga mengaku malah baru mendengar kalau ada bantuan ke ketua RT. Kalau Prodamas memang ada, tapi kalau khusus ke ketua RT tidak pernah ada. Coba tanya ke paguyuban RT mas, mungkin tahu,”katanya. (mam)
Polresta Will Investigate Aid for Thousands of Head of RT
KEDIRI – Assistance to all RT heads in Kediri City 2019 outside Prodamas, there is a discourse to be investigated by the Kediri City Police Station, after the recognition of the RT heads who claimed not to know, did not know, and felt they had never received the assistance, either in the form of money or goods. “Not available. But we’ll try to investigate it later, “said the Kediri City Police Chief, AKBP Micro Indrayana, on the sidelines of the free medical event in Manyaran Village, District of B Tanya, Wednesday (5 February).
As reported, all RT heads in Kediri City are budgeted for assistance in the 2019 APBD, which amounts to between Rp. 1 million and Rp. 50 million each. Each RT head is not the same size. The aid budget for the RT head outside the prodamas program also appeared in the 2020 APBD. The amount is more fantastic, starting around Rp. 2 million to Rp. 159 million.
However, Kapolresta Miko Indrayana admitted that his party had not received clear information related to the problem of assistance to all RT heads in the City of Kediri. So it still needs to dig further information.
Meanwhile, Moch, one of the RT heads in the Tamanan Village, Mojoroto Subdistrict, said he was surprised by the budget for assistance to the heads of the RT. “I swear I have never heard and never received. Maybe it was asked to the Village Chief who knew, “he said, when met by
The same thing was said by Do, one of the RT secretaries in Ketami Village, Pesantren District. He also claimed he had never heard of the assistance to the RT head. “I just asked the head of the RT, he also claimed he had only just heard that there was help to the head of the RT. There are Prodamas, but there are no RT heads. Try asking the neighborhood association member, maybe you know, “he said. (mam)
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