KEDIRI- Meski Walikota Kediri melarang menggelar Sholat Jumat berjamaah di masjid, tetapi polisi tidak akan membubarkan paksa jika ada takmir masjid yang tetap menggelar sholat Jumat berjamaah. “Terkait dengan pembubaran sholat, tentunya tidak kita lakukan. Koordinasi awal dengan takmir, tokoh agama senantiasa kita lakukan. Ini demi kebaikan bersama,”ujar Kapolres Kediri Kota, AKBP Miko Indrayana, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap.
Seperti diberitakan, Walikota Kediri menutup seluruh tempat ibadah di Kota Kediri, masjid, musholla, gereja, pura, wihara, klenteng, dan sebagainya, terkait dengan pencegahan berkembangnya virus Corona di Kota Kediri.
Sementara itu, Apip Purnama, Kabag Humas Pemkot Kediri, memastikan bahwa masjid Al-Bina’i di lingkungan kantor Pemkot Kediri tidak akan menggelar sholat Jumat berjamaah pada Jumat (27/3/2020). “ Hasil komunikasi dengan Bagian Kesra, di madjid Al Binai Pemkot memang tidak menyelenggarakan sholat Jumat berjamaah. Kalau masjid di luar Pemkot mungkin masih menyelenggarakan sholat Jumat berjamaah, karena memang tidak ada perintah larangan. Kalau pun terjadi pemahaman larangan berjamaah, kami memakluminya karena judul dan narasi rilis kami yang kurang tepat,”kata Apip.
Saat ditanya apakah berarti Surat Edaran (SE) Walikota itu bersifat anjuran? Apip tidak menjawab. Dia hanya menjelaskan, kalau toh dilakukan sholat Jumat berjamaah di masjid-masjid, harus memperhatikan kebersihan dan sterilisasi berkala. (mam)
Police Will Not Disband Forced Prayer Friday
KEDIRI – Although the Mayor of Kediri forbade holding Friday Prayers in congregation at the mosque, the police will not forcibly disperse if a mosque takmir continues to hold Friday prayers in congregation. “Regarding the dissolution of prayer, we certainly don’t. Initial coordination with takmir, religious leaders we always do. This is for the common good, “said Kediri Kota Police Chief, AKBP Miko Indrayana, when confirmed by through whatsap channels.
As reported, the Mayor of Kediri closed all places of worship in the City of Kediri, mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, temples, temples, and so on, related to preventing the development of the Corona virus in Kediri City.
Meanwhile, Apip Purnama, Head of Public Relations of the Kediri City Government, ensured that the Al-Bina’i mosque in the Kediri City Government office would not hold Friday prayers in congregation on Friday (3/27/2020). “The results of communication with the People’s Welfare Section, at the Al Binai mosque, the City Government did not hold Friday prayers in congregation. If the mosque outside the City Government may still hold Friday prayers in congregation, because there is no prohibition. If there is an understanding of the ban on congregation, we understand it because our titles and narration are not quite right, “Apip said.
When asked whether the Circular (SE) of the Mayor was recommended? Apip did not answer. He only explained that if the Friday prayers are done in congregation in mosques, they must pay attention to cleanliness and periodic sterilization. (mam)
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