DPRD Kota Kediri Hentikan Seluruh Agenda Kegiatan
KEDIRI – Sidang Pleno DPRD Kota Kediri dengan agenda khusus pemberhentian Wakil Walikota Kediri, (alm) Hj. Lilik Muhibbah, yang sudah dijadwalkan pada 30 Maret mendatang, terpaksa harus ditunda dalam waktu yang belum ditentukan. Kepastian penundaan ini, setelah DPRD Kota Kediri melakukan rapat Bada Musyawarah (Bamus), Jumat, 20/3/2020 di kantor DPRD.
“Seluruh agenda kegiatan DPRD Kota Kediri, ditunda hingga waktu yang belum ditentukan, termasuk sidang pleno pembacaan surat pemberhentian Wakil Walikota,”ujar Agus Sunoto, ketua DPRD Kota Kediri, ditemui usai rapat Bamus, didampingi wakil ketua DPRD, Katino.
Menurut Sunoto, selama Maret 2020 ini, ada sejumlah agenda kegiatan DPRD yang sudah dijadwalkan, mulai Pansus, kunjungan kerja, rapat –rapat komisi dan sebagainya, termasuk sidang pleno pembacaan surat pemberhentian Wakil Walikota Kediri. “Sampai kapan pemberhentian ini, kita akan melihat situasi dan kondisinya,”tandas Sunoto.
Meski demikian, dewan akan memberlakukan piket. Sehingga jika ada aduan masyarakat atau hal-hal lain yang penting, tetap bisa dilayani dengan baik. Selain itu, selama masa pemberhentian kegiatan kedewanan ini, DPRD Kota Kediri akan melakukan aksi sosial pembagian masker dan hand sanitizer kepada masyarakat untuk mencegah berkembangnya virus Corona di Kota Kediri. “Kita berharap tidak ada satupun warga Kota Kediri yang terjangkit virus Corona. Kita harus menjaga betul warga Kota Kediri,”katanya. (mam)
Termination of Vice Mayor Postponed
Kediri City DPRD Stops All Agenda Activities
KEDIRI – Kediri City DPRD Plenary Session with the specific agenda of the dismissal of the Deputy Mayor of Kediri, (late) Hj. Lilik Muhibbah, who was scheduled for March 30, had to be postponed indefinitely. The certainty of this delay, after the City Council of Kediri held a meeting of the Bada Deliberation (Bamus), Friday, 3/20/2020 at the DPRD office.
“The whole agenda of the Kediri City DPRD activities, postponed until an undetermined time, including the plenary session of reading the termination of the Deputy Mayor’s dismissal,” said Agus Sunoto, chairman of the Kediri City DPRD, was met after the Bamus meeting, accompanied by the deputy chairman of the DPRD, Katino.
According to Sunoto, during March 2020, there were a number of scheduled agenda of DPRD activities, starting from the Special Committee, working visits, commission meetings and so on, including the plenary session of reading the termination of the Deputy Mayor of Kediri. “Until when is this stop, we will see the situation and conditions,” said Sunoto.
However, the council will impose picket. So that if there is a public complaint or other important matters, it can still be served well. In addition, during the termination of this activity, the DPRD of Kediri City will conduct a social action distribution of masks and hand sanitizers to the community to prevent the development of the Corona virus in Kediri City. “We hope that none of the residents of Kediri City has been infected by the Corona virus. We must take good care of the citizens of Kediri City, “he said. (mam)
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