KEDIRI – “” Minta saja pada anggota polisi apabila belum makan,” ujar Kapolres Kediri Kota, AKBP Miko Indrayana, saat tasyakuran bersama para tukang becak dan anak yatim di aula Mapolres Kediri Kota, senin (18/11). Pemberian santunan kepada tukang becak dan anak yatim itu, merupakaan wujud syukur dan sarana mendekatkan diri ke masyarakat, khususnya kaum duafa.
Kapolresta Kediri AKBP Miko Indrayana mengaku memang sengaja mengundang anak yatim dan tukang becak untuk sarapan bareng,sebagai sarana membangun kedekatan dengan masyarakat.” Ini juga sebagai wujud rasa syukur kita, karena dalam rejeki kita ada sebagian hak mereka,” ujarnya.
Untuk lebih merakyat Kapolresta juga berpesan kepada tukang becak untuk tidak segan meminta makan kepada anggota polisi apabila menemui dijalan.” Minta saja pada anggota polisi apabila belum makan,” ujarnya lebih lanjut.
AKBP Miko juga menjelaskan, hal itu sebagai langkah agar kesan polisi tidak menakutkan.Bahkan polisi adalah sosok yang siap membantu dan mengayomi masyarakat.” Dengan begini tidak ada kesan, kalau polisi menakutkan,” imbuhnya.
Terakhir Kapolresta juga mengucapkan trimakasih pada masyarakat atas suport dan kerjasamanya, sehingga kegiatan Pemilihan Kepala Desa (Pilkades) beberapa hari yang lalu bisa lancar dan aman. ” Alhamdulillah secara keseluruhan, acara Pilkades aman dan lancar,hal itu berkat dukungan semua pihak, sekali lagi saya ucapkan terimakasih,” pungkasnya.(bad)
Chief of Police: Not to Eat, Just Ask the Police
KEDIRI – “” Just ask the police officers if they haven’t eaten yet, “said Kediri Kota Police Chief, AKBP Miko Indrayana, during a sermon with pedicab drivers and orphans in the Kediri Kota Mapolres hall, Monday (18/11). and the orphan, is a form of gratitude and a means to get closer to the community, especially the poor.
AKBP Kediri Police Chief Miko Indrayana admitted that he deliberately invited orphans and pedicab drivers to have breakfast together, as a means of building closeness with the community. “This is also an expression of our gratitude, because in our fortune there are some of their rights,” he said.
Kapolresta Kediri AKBP Miko Indrayana when giving a rope to the pedicab driver
To be more popular the police chief also advised the pedicab drivers not to be reluctant to ask police officers for food when they met on the road. “Just ask the police members if they haven’t eaten,” he said further.
AKBP Miko also explained, it was a step so that the impression of the police was not frightening. Even the police were figures who were ready to help and protect the public. “This way there is no impression, if the police are scary,” he added.
Finally, the Chief of Police also expressed his gratitude to the community for their support and cooperation, so that the Village Head Election (Pilkades) activities a few days ago could be smooth and safe. “Thank God as a whole, the Pilkades program is safe and smooth, thanks to the support of all parties, once again I say thank you,” he concluded. (Bad)
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